Storrs HPC

About us:

The Storrs High-Performance Computing (HPC) facility at UConn is at the forefront of cutting-edge research and innovation. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, our HPC empowers researchers, students, and corporate partners to tackle complex computational challenges, driving breakthroughs in science, engineering, and more.

How to use our wiki:

Our wiki is a one-stop hub for resources & guides designed to help users of all skill levels. Think of it as your wingman for exploring the HPC. Whether you’re a beginner looking to get started or a seasoned veteran seeking advanced insights, our wiki will be by your side to help with account setup, job submission, software installation, and more. So check out our guides & FAQs, and if you’re ever stuck, click that “Need Help” thumbnail or drop us a line at Our goal is to help your research reach its full potential.

Checking the HPC’s status:

We do our best to update this page as well as the UConn IT Status page when the HPC is unavailable due to routine maintenance or an unexpected outage.


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Waiting for Jobs to Run?

Faculty can purchase priority access to nodes for their lab which can greatly accelerate a lab’s research progress. For more info, see our explainer on Priority access.

If you’re interested in purchasing equipment, please fill out this PI Equipment Request form.

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