Stata is a general-purpose statistical software package that supports data manipulation, visualization, statistics, and automated reporting.
STATA 18 is now available on HPC, but only the STATA 18 SE version. The STATA 18 module will be updated if/when the MP version becomes available.
The Stata/MP batch job submission example and the GUI xstata-mp example will not work for Stata 18 at this time.
When running with the GUI for stata/18, only the xstata or xstata-se commands will work successfully.
Running Stata as batch Job
Stata/SE job submission
Here's an example as batch file that you can use to run Stata requesting 1 core using the Stata/SE: Standard edition command:
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --partition=general
module purge
module load stata/18
stata-se -b
This will run the Stata commands that you've placed in the file
Stata/MP job submission (not available at this time)
Here's an example as batch file that you can use to run Stata requesting 1 core using the Stata/MP: Multiprocessor command:
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --partition=general
module purge
module load stata/18
stata-mp -b
Running Stata via its interactive GUI
The setup to running Stata through its interactive GUI has similar steps from our HPC X11/GUI guide located here:
Here is an example interactive SLURM srun command that can be used to request a 24 core interactive job using the AMD EPYC node architecture.
srun --x11 -N 1 -n 24 -p general --constraint='epyc128' --pty bash
Once a node is assigned to the interactive srun job, the stata/18 module would need to be loaded.
Once the module is loaded, the GUI for Stata SE or MP can be called with the following examples:
Stata-SE GUI load
netidhere@cnXX ~]$ (where XX is the compute node number assigned to the job)
netidhere@cnXX ~]$ module load stata/18
netidhere@cnXX ~]$ xstata-se
Stata-MP GUI load (not available at this time)
Once the GUI loads, you will get a console like this.
When are done with Xstata, please exit the GUI and exit the interactive SLURM job if finished with running STATA code, to free up resources for others.
Installing and viewing Stata package information
In the Stata GUI, use the following commands to view and install STATA packages:
Command | Description of command |
ssc describe packageName | Information output for a Stata package |
ssc install packageName | Install Stata package indicated by packageName |
ssc install packageName, replace | Same as above, but replace previously installed version of Stata package indicated by packageName |
ssc new | See a summary of new and recently updated packages |
ssc hot | See a summary of the 10 most popular Stata packages |
ssc hot, n(25) | Same as above, but see the top 25 Stata packages |
ado dir | Obtain a list of packages that you have previously installed |