Abaqus Guide

The Abaqus FEA is a software suite for finite element analysis and computer-aided engineering, originally released in 1978.

IMPORTANT: Do not run Abaqus from sbatch jobs. Use an abq* command instead. Unlike other modules, Abaqus FEA has been directly integrated with SLURM

 Loading Modules

To use Abaqus/2024 on the cluster, you will need to first load the abaqus/2024 module using this command:

module avail abaqus

module load abaqus/2024

Running Abaqus

Abaqus jobs are managed by SLURM. To submit a job to Abaqus, transfer your model input file to the cluster and run the following command:

abq2024 job=FILE que=general:fslocal



  • Is the command (case sensitive) to invoke Abaqus 2023.

  • The name of your input (.inp) file without the file extension.

  • Runs the Abaqus simulation on a local file system using the general partition (you can use any of the partitions from sinfo -o %P)
    The simulation will run on another compute node and copy the result files upon completion.

  • When que=general:fslocal is specified, any node from any hardware architecture can be assigned. If certain abaqus code needs specific libraries or hardware, the que declaration will not work and the bash submission script route would need to be performed. Please see the Bash Script section further down in this knowledge base article.

Adding a user subroutine

If a user subroutine is adopted in the Abaqus model, run the command with "user" option.


  • Is the file name of the user subroutine written in FORTRAN.

CPU parallel analysis

If parallel computing is needed, run the command with "cpus" option.


  • Will request five CPUs to run the job. More CPUs will require more Abaqus license tokens to run.

Unexpected end of file error

When submitting an abaqus job, you will see:

These sh warnings are harmless, and you can ignore them.

Checking job status

Run this command:


  • Is the name of the status file.

  • If you are running your job in a local file system, then you have to change the directory the specific folder and specific node to check the status of your job.

  • Normally when the simulation is finished, the HPC will send you an email showing the simulation is completed successfully or exited with error.

Terminating an Abaqus Analysis

If an analysis job needs to be terminated before completion, find the Job ID with this command.

which will list all the jobs that are running. Then run this command to kill a specific job.


  • Is the SLURM ID number of the job you want to kill

Bash Scripts

The following is an example batch submission script, my_job.sh. To run the executable abaqus with input file use the job=inputfilename.inp syntax. The script requests 126 cores #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=abaqus_test #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks=126 #SBATCH --partition=general #SBATCH --constraint='epyc128' #SBATCH --mail-type=END #SBATCH --mail-user=first.lastname@uconn.edu module load intel/oneapi/2022.3 abaqus/2024 abq2024 job=inputfileName.inp user=subroutinehere cpus=$SLURM_NTASKS interactive

Abaqus CAE/Viewer

To be able to launch the CAE or Viewer for Abaqus 2024, a X session would need to be set up when logging into the cluster. Once a terminal session has been loaded with X enabled (either through MobaXterm or ssh -X), a srun or fisbatch job would need to be submitted to the cluster.

Example srun command to submit to the general partition:

Example fisbatch command to submit to the general partition:

Once the job has been submitted and a node has been allocated, the abaqus/2024 module would need to be loaded.

After the abaqus/2024 module has been loaded in the fisbatch session, the GUI can be launched by using either any of the following commands:

To enable the Abaqus/CAE GUI with mesa drivers:


Abaqus License Info


License Type

License Server

Tokens of Abaqus

Tokens of Abaqus Viewer(cae -mesa)


License Type

License Server

Tokens of Abaqus

Tokens of Abaqus Viewer(cae -mesa)

Abaqus 2022





Abaqus 2023





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