YouTube Captioning

Students, faculty, and staff can add and edit captions in YouTube videos.

To ensure that your YouTube videos are as accessible as possible, use the following best practices:

  1. Manually edit auto-generated captions.

    1. YouTube automatically generates captions based on its best guess at interpreting the audio. Understandably, it is not 100% accurate. Using auto-generated captions saves time, and manually editing the captions ensures that users with disabilities have access to all the video’s information

  2. Edit the embed options.

    1. Some features, like showing suggested videos when the video finishes, are difficult for assistive technology users to navigate. 

  3. Edit the embed code.

    1. A few minor adjustments, like changing the default video player to HTML5, make your video display as accessible as possible on your page.

Additional information can be found on the IT accessibility website's YouTube captioning page.

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