Creating a Travel Allowance Itinerary

Travel allowances include Lodging and Meal Per Diems. Travelers may claim meal per diem, or individual actual meals, as permitted by their funding source. Per diem varies by destination and is added to your Concur Expense Report by creating a Travel allowance itinerary. This document provides instructions on how to add Meal Per diem to your Expense Report.

Table of Contents

Logging In

  • Navigate to any web browser.

  • Access Concur by logging in through our website at Travel Services and clicking “Login to Concur Travel & Expense.”

Travel Allowances

Travel Allowances include Lodging and Meal Per Diems. Travelers may claim meal per diem, or individual actual meals, as permitted by their funding source.

Below are itinerary options available, which determine the travel allowance for each day of business travel. From the Open Expense Report Click the Travel Allowance drop-down arrow and select Manage Travel Allowance.

Available Itinerary

Use this option when a travel allowance itinerary was previously created for the dates of the trip.

  1. At the bottom of the Travel Allowances pop up under Available Itinerary click the drop-down arrow to select a viewing criteria.

  2. Select the appropriate itinerary and then click Assign. The selected itinerary now displays within the Assigned Itineraries section.

  3. Click Next>> at the bottom right. Skip ahead to the expenses and adjustments section of this training document.

Create Itinerary

Use this option if no previous Travel Allowance itinerary was created.

  1. On the Travel Allowances pop-up click the Create New Itinerary tab.

  2. Click Import Itinerary. Information may be imported from this menu if travel was booked with Concur/UConn’s TMC and/or the itinerary was forwarded to

  3. Edit itinerary information as necessary.

  4. If no itinerary shows when Import Itinerary is clicked, enter details for the first leg of your trip in the New Itinerary Stop box to the right.

    1. Departure City. This should reflect the city you depart from.

    2. Date and Time. Enter details for the date and time you left the departure city.

    3. Arrival City. This should reflect your destination city.

    4. Date and Time. Enter details for the date and time you arrived in the arrival city.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Repeat the steps above, for your return itinerary. If this is a multi-destination trip, additional itinerary stops may be needed.

  7. After completing the itinerary stops click Next>> at the bottom right and then click Next>> again.

Travel Allowances | Expenses & Adjustments

  1. Click the checkboxes to indicate any meals that were provided during your trip, as necessary.

  2. Click the Exclude | All checkbox if the travel card was used for individual actual meal expenses.

  3. ALWAYS click the Use Percent Rule checkbox for each date of travel.

The Use Percent Rule allows Concur to calculate 150% of the published lodging GSA rate.

  1. Click Create Expenses. If claiming Meal Per Diem, Daily Allowances will display as individual line items on the expense report.

  2. To modify Meal Per Diem/Daily Allowance expense items from an open expense report, Click the Travel Allowance dropdown arrow and select Manage Travel Allowance and then click Expenses & Adjustments.

Additional Support

For help with Concur, contact

For additional reference material, refer to the Training and Resources page located on the Travel Services page.

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