Creating an Expense Report

This page provides instruction for student travelers creating and submitting an Expense Report to reconcile business related expenses incurred out of pocket or on the Student Travel Card from a completed business trip. Expense Reports should be submitted within 14 days of returning from a business trip.

Table of Contents

Logging In

  1. Navigate to any web browser.

  2. Access Concur by logging in through our website at Travel Services and clicking “Login to Concur Travel & Expense.

Creating an Expense Report

UConn related business travel, that includes Air, Car Rental, and/or Hotel, should be booked by a department travel coordinator with their UConn employee Travel Card and will therefore be expensed in that employee’s profile after the student has returned from the trip.

After returning from a trip, the student will also need to create and submit an expense report in their own profile that includes any out of pocket reimbursements such as per diem and/or any incidental expenses paid on a UConn Student Travel Card.

Starting from the Expense Module

  1. From the Concur homepage, click New | Start a Report. A new expense report displays.

  2. Complete the required report header fields, identified with a red asterisk above each field.

  3. Update any optional fields, as necessary.

  4. Scroll to the bottom of the Report Header. The Claim Travel Allowance menu displays.

  5. Click Yes, if lodging or meal expenses will be included with the expense report. The Travel Allowances window will display, skip ahead to the Travel Allowances Itineraries section of this training document.

  6. Click Next.

Travel Allowances | Itenarairies

Travel allowances include Lodging and Meal Per Diems. Student travelers may claim meal per diem, or individual actual meals, as permitted by their funding source and your respective department. Refer to the UConn Travel Policy or contact your department travel coordinator for more details.

Student travel cards can be used for individual actual meal expenses if not claiming per diem reimbursement.

Below are itinerary options available, which determine the travel allowance for each day of business travel.

  1. From the Open Expense Report Click the Travel Allowance drop-down arrow and select Manage Travel Allowance.

Available Itinerary

Use this option when a travel allowance itinerary was previously created for the dates of the trip.

  1. At the bottom of the Travel Allowances pop up under Available Itinerary click the drop-down arrow to select a viewing criteria.

  2. Select the appropriate itinerary and then click Assign.

    1. The selected itinerary now displays within the Assigned Itineraries section.

  3. Click Next>> at the bottom right. Skip ahead to the expenses and adjustments section of this training document.

Create Itinerary

Use this option if no previous Travel Allowance itinerary was created.

  1. On the Travel Allowances pop-up click the Create New Itinerary tab.

  2. Enter details for the first leg of your trip in the New Itinerary Stop box to the right.

    1. Departure City. This should reflect the city you depart from.

    2. Date and Time. Enter details for the date and time you left the departure city.

    3. Arrival City. This should reflect your destination city.

    4. Date and Time. Enter details for the date and time you arrived in the arrival city.

The dates on each itinerary stop are usually the same, as a traveler generally departs and arrives on the same date.

  1. Click Save.

  2. Repeat the steps above, for your return itinerary. If this is a multi-destination trip, additional itinerary stops may be needed.

  3. After completing the itinerary stops click Next>> at the bottom right and then click Next>> again.

Travel Allowances | Expenses & Adjustments

  1. Click the checkboxes to indicate any meals that were provided during your trip, as necessary.

  2. Click the Exclude | All checkbox if the travel card was used for individual actual meal expenses.

  3. ALWAYS click the Use Percent Rule checkbox for each date of travel.

The Use Percent Rule allows Concur to calculate 150% of the published lodging GSA rate.

  1. Click Create Expenses. If claiming Meal Per Diem, Daily Allowances will display as individual line items on the expense report.

  2. To modify Meal Per Diem/Daily Allowance expense items from an open expense report, Click the Travel Allowance drop-down arrow and select Manage Travel Allowance and then click Expenses & Adjustments.

Adding Expenses

When using the UConn Student Travel Card, transactions automatically feed into the travelers Available Expenses queue within the Expense module.

Imported Travel Card transactions will minimize data entry – automatically creating an expense line item, populating required fields, etc.

Travelers can also use the Create New Expense menu for out of pocket transactions.

Adding Student Travel Card Expenses

  1. From the open expense report, click Add Expense.

  2. Click Available Expenses. A list of Student Travel Card Expenses display.

  3. From the Available Expenses menu, click the check box(es) for the appropriate expenses to be added to the current expense report.

  4. Click Add to Report.

  5. Click the checkbox beside the travel card transaction added to the expense report to verify or update the Expense Type is correct. Click the Expense Type drop-down arrow to select a different expense type if necessary.

  6. Complete all required fields marked with a red asterisk.

  7. Complete optional fields, as necessary.

  8. As necessary, click any of the following:

    1. Click Itemizations (to itemize the expense into multiple expense types).

    2. Click Allocate (to allocate the expense to one or more KFS accounts).

    3. Click Attach Receipt Image (to upload and attach receipt images).

    4. Attendees (to add the name of the individual who used the expense).

Adding Out of Pocket Expenses

Out of Pocket expenses must be added manually from within an open expense report.

  1. From the open expense report, click Add Expense.

  2. Click Create New Expense

  3. Select the appropriate expense type from the options available or type the expense type in the search field.

  4. Complete all required fields marked with a red asterisk.

  5. Complete optional fields, as necessary.

  6. As necessary, click any of the following:

    1. Click Itemizations (to itemize the expense into multiple expense types).

    2. Click Allocate (to allocate the expense to one or more KFS accounts).

    3. Click Attach Receipt Image (to upload and attach receipt images).

    4. Attendees (to add the name of the individual who used the expense).

Itemizing Expenses

Itemizing partially Non-Reimbursable Expenses

Users can Itemize any expense that includes both business and personal expenses, or that is only partially funded, therefore requiring some out of pocket (Non-Reimbursable/Personal) contribution.

  1. Create an expense line item as usual, then Click the Itemizations Tab. or Click to select an existing expense item from the list of transactions on the expense report then Click Edit and then the Itemizations Tab.

  2. Click Create Itemizations.

  3. Select the Expense Type (Personal/Non-Reimbursable) that applies to the first itemization from the dropdown list. The page refreshes, displaying the required and optional fields for the selected expense type.

  4. Complete all required fields marked with a red asterisk.

  5. Click Save Itemization. The newly created itemization appears.

  6. For each additional itemization, on the Itemizations tab, click Create Itemization, select the appropriate expense type and complete the appropriate fields. Once you have itemized the Remaining amount of the charge, an alert displays a green Success checkmark.

  7. Click Save Expense. The word Itemized appears to the right of the expense under the Requested column.

Allocating Expenses

The Allocation feature allows you to allocate selected expenses to multiple KFS accounts.

Allocate a Single Expense

  1. With the report open, click the checkbox beside an expense line.

  2. Click Allocate.

Allocate Multiple Expenses

  1. With the report open, click the checkbox beside the appropriate expense lines.

  2. Click Allocate. The Allocations for Report window appears.

  3. Select Percent to allocate by percentage or Amount to allocate by actual dollar amount.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Add as many allocations as necessary, from the New Allocation or Favorite Allocations tabs.

  6. Enter the KFS account in the Account number field.

  7. Click Save. The word allocated appears to the right of the expense under the Requested column.

Adding Attendees to a Business Meal

For business meals or entertainment expenses, you must identify all attendees associated with the expense. Users can add attendees and attendee groups to the system. Refer to the Creating a Business Meal Expense section of the Non-Travel Expense Report documentation for additional business meal expense details.

Entering Personal Car Mileage

Personal car mileage expenses should be submitted for use of a personal vehicle for business miles driven. Please view our document for Personal Car Mileage Expense Reports.

Foreign Currency Transactions

Transactions incurred during international travel should always be billed in the local currency to ensure the currency conversion within Concur is accurately calculated (including conversion rates, taxes, etc.).

For Student Travel Card Expenses

Transactions billed in local currency (e.g., travel to Japan billed in YEN) will automatically convert to USD within Concur.

  1. Review the details of the transactions, confirming the conversion to USD is accurate. No manual adjustment should be required within Concur.

Out-of-Pocket Expense Incurred in Another Currency

  1. With the report open, click Add, and then Create New Expense.

  2. Search for or enter an expense type.

  3. Enter the appropriate information in the required and optional fields (required fields are indicated with an asterisk). Note the following:

    1. Select the "spend" Currency from the list to the right of the Transaction Amount field. The Conversion Rate field appears.

    2. The Conversion Rate is automatically populated according to the Transaction Date and Currency entries. Expense calculates the Amount in your reimbursement currency.

    3. To switch between multiplication of the rate to division of the rate, click Reverse next to the Conversion Rate field. Currency can be converted by multiplying by a particular rate or dividing by a different rate.

  4. Complete the remaining fields as appropriate, and then click Save Expense.


Concur is configured to comply with the receipt requirements, as per the Travel and Expense policy. Receipts can be sent to your available receipt queue to be attached to an expense report at a later date, via email or through the Concur mobile app.

Required Receipts

Expense transactions that require receipts can be identified by the Receipt Required icon next to the item in the expense list.

Email Receipts

Before emailing receipts to the Available Receipts library, you must verify your email address in the Personal Information section of your Profile.

Profile SetUp | Email Verification

  1. Click Profile > Profile Settings. The Profile Options page appears.

  2. Click Personal Information from the left navigation pane. The Personal Information screen displays.

  3. Scroll down to the Email Addresses section and click Add an Email Address.

  4. Follow the below steps to verify your email address:

    1. Once you have saved an email address, click Verify.

    2. Check your email for a verification message from Concur.

    3. Copy the code from the email message into the Enter Code box next to the email address.

    4. Click OK to submit the code and complete verification.

  5. Address your email to, attach a single receipt image, and send the email. This method sends an image of the receipt to the available receipts queue.

  6. Alternatively, for automated expense itemization, address your email to, attach a single receipt image, and send the email. This method sends an image of the receipt, creates an expense line item for the transaction and itemizes the expenses on the receipt.

Allow your Delegate to Send Receipt Images to your Available Receipts Library

The Delegate may send receipts to or as long as both the User and Delegate have verified their email addresses within their own profile.

When emailing receipts on a delegate’s behalf, the delegate must replace the subject line with the User’s primary (verified) email address.

Upload Receipts from your Computer

Files saved to a folder on your computer may be uploaded directly into a user’s Available Receipts queue in Concur using the following steps.

  1. Scan the documentation. Save to a folder on your computer.

  2. Click Expense (from the top ribbon).

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the Manage Expenses view.

  4. Click Upload Receipt Image. The Receipt Upload window appears.

  5. Locate the desired image(s), select, and click Open. The image(s) is Uploaded and available to be attached to an Expense report at any time.

Attach an Available Receipt to an Expense Entry

  1. In the open expense report, click the Red Receipt icon on the expense entry line.

    1. From the Attach Receipt menu select Upload Receipt Images or select from the list of receipts previously uploaded to Concur.

  2. A thumbnail image of the receipt will now appear. Click on the image to view a larger version of the receipt.

  3. To detach a receipt from the expense line entry, click on the thumbnail image of the receipt and click Detach.

  4. To add additional receipts to the same expense, click on the thumbnail image of the receipt and click Append.

Attaching Supporting Documents to the Report Header

Conference brochures, travel award letters and other supporting documentation are sometimes required to be attached to the header level of an expense report. Use the following steps to attach documents to the Expense Report Header.

  1. From the open expense report click Manage Receipts.

  2. Click Manage Attachments.

  3. From the Attach receipt window click Upload Report Level Attachment.

  4. Locate the desired image(s), select, and click Open.

Detaching Receipts from the Report Header

  1. To detach all receipts from the report header, Click the Receipts drop down menu at the top of the expense report.

  2. Click Delete receipt images. This will delete all documents attached to the report header. Documents cannot be deleted individually from the report header.

Missing Receipt Declaration

A Missing Receipt Declaration can be generated for a transaction missing a required receipt.

Only the owner of an expense report can create a Missing Receipt Declaration. I.E., a delegate CANNOT create a missing receipt declaration on behalf of another traveler.

  1. To attach a missing receipt affidavit, From the open expense report click Manage Receipts.

  2. Click Missing Receipt Declaration. The Create Receipt Declaration pop-up displays.

  3. Click the checkbox to select the applicable expense transaction.

  4. Click Accept & Create.

Resolving Alerts

Audit rules are built into Concur, compliant with the travel policy and procedures, ensuring employees are in line with the travel policy and universities best practices. Alerts will display if a traveler violates any of the audit rules built into Concur. Yellow warnings are “soft” stops and designed to warn the traveler. Yellow warnings do not prevent a traveler from submitting for approval. Red warnings are “hard” stops. The red warnings must be resolved before submitting for approval.

Alerts display at the top of the open request and/or expense report page.

Copying an Expense

Recurring business expenses can be copied from a previous expense and then updated for the new expense item.

  1. With the expense report open, select the expense you want to copy.

  2. Click Copy. The new expense is added to the Expenses list with a date one day later than the original expense.

  3. Click to open the copied expense.

  4. Review the details of the expense to confirm accuracy for the new expense item.

  5. Modify applicable fields for the new expense where allowed, as necessary.

  1. Once updated, click Save Expense.

Fraudulent Charges

Travel card charges identified as fraudulent must be rectified by the cardholder. Fraudulent charges should be submitted with the travelers next expense report, netting out the fraudulent charge with the respective credited item. If fraudulent charges exist, but there is no travel expected (therefore no expense report in the near future) – contact

  1. Add fraudulent charge.

  2. Add credit for fraudulent charge.

Submitting your Report

  1. On the expense report page, click Submit Report.

  2. Scroll through and read to the end of the Attestation.

  3. Click Accept & Submit. The Report Totals window displays.

  4. Review the information for accuracy, and then click Submit Report. The Report Status window appears.

  5. Click Close.

Correcting and Resubmitting an Expense Report

If an expense report is returned to you by an approver, you will need to correct and resubmit the report for approval and reimbursement. The approver will include a comment explaining why the report was returned.

  1. Open the report, from the Concur home page Quick Task Bar, click the Open Reports task. The Manage Expenses screen displays with the report appearing within the Returned tile.

  2. Click the Returned tile to view the returned report.

  3. Review the approver's comment appears below the amount.

  4. Comments can also be reviewed in the expense report by clicking the checkbox beside the expense line item and clicking Edit, then reviewing the comments field.

  5. Make the requested changes, and then click Submit Report.

Additional Support

For help with Concur, contact

For additional reference material, refer to the Training and Resources page located on the Travel Services page.

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