Approving CBS Reports

As a Company Billed Statement report (CBS) approver, you are responsible for reviewing the Concur CBS reports routed to you. The approver review process should include, but is not limited to ensuring:

  • Compliance with the UConn Pro-Card policy

  • Compliance with individual department and general university business procedures

  • Expenses accurately represent business related expenses

  • Compliance with other legal, federal guidelines, when applicable

This page provides a general overview of an approver’s role in the CBS module of Concur.

Table of Contents

Opening an Expense Report

When a CBS report is submitted through Concur, an email is sent to the identified approver(s), notifying them a report is pending their review.

Concur automatically routes all CBS reports to all required parties, including the Fiscal Officer(s), Direct supervisor if required and CBS Processors. This routing is based on a feed from Fiscal Officers in KFS, and other system logic.

Once routed for approval, a CBS report is available from the approver(s) Approvals tab in Concur.

If you have assigned an Approver Delegate and/or a Previewer Delegate via your Concur Profile, the approval email(s) will be sent to both you and any delegate(s) with appropriate permission.

  1. Review the details in the email such as the Report Name (which will include the statement dates and last 4 digits of the Pro-Card number) to identify the report requiring approval.

  2. Click the Report link (within the email) to log into Concur.

A reminder email is sent to an approver 5 days after the initial email, if the approver has not approved nor returned the report for correction.

Reviewing an Expense Report

As an approver, you will need to review submitted CBS reports and approve them. A list of pending reports, CBS waiting for approval, can be found on the Approvals tab | Statement Reports once you log into Concur.

If you are serving as an approver delegate or previewer delegate (for CBS reports), click Profile | Acting as other to select the individual for whom you want to act as.

  1. From the Concur homepage, click the Approvals tab.

  2. Click Statement Reports. The Reports Pending your Approval page lists the awaiting reports.

  3. Click the link in the Report Name column to open the report you want to approve.

  1. Review any exceptions that display at the top of the view, as applicable.

  2. Hover over expense icons for more information.


  1. Click the Details dropdown.

  2. Click Comments.

  3. Review for any applicable comments.

  4. Add comments, as needed.

Receipts and Other Attachments

The Receipts area is designed to be a document repository available with each CBS report. You will find individual expense receipts, as well as various other supporting documents.

To View Receipts and Other Attachments

  1. From the main expense report view, click Receipts dropdown.

  2. Select View Receipts in New Window.

Approving a CBS Report

If it is determined that the report is ready to be approved, follow the steps immediately below.

  1. From the main expense report view, click Approve. An attestation displays.

  2. Read the details of the attestation.

  3. Click Accept. The report will no longer appear in the Reports Pending your Approval list

Sending Back an Expense Report

As an approver, you will review submitted CBS reports and come across situations when additional information and/or corrections are required before approval can be granted. You can send the entire CBS report back to the Pro-Card Holder adding a required comment, which will require that the Pro-Card holder update the CBS report and resubmit.

  1. From the main CBS report view, click Send Back to Employee. The Send Back Report window displays.

  2. Enter a Comment for the Pro-Card holder, explaining why you are returning the report, and then click OK.

Adding an Additional Approval

Concur allows any approver to assign an additional approver in Concur, as desired.

  1. From the main CBS report view, click the Details dropdown and then click Approval Flow. The Approval Flow for Report: screen displays.

  2. Scroll down to the User-Added field.

  3. Click one of the blue “+” icons.

  4. Click the one of the “+” icons to add an approver to the approval workflow. A User-Added Approver field displays.

  5. Click within the User-Added Approver field, and then click the Search Approvers By dropdown.

  6. Click to select criteria to search by.

  7. Type the approvers respective information in the search field. A filtered list of users displays.

  8. Click to select a valid entry from the list of approvers.

  9. If your review of this CBS report is complete, and ready for approval, click Approve.

  10. If additional review is required for this report, click Save Workflow.

  11. Continue the report review, as needed, and then click Approve once the review is complete. An email is sent to the user-added approver, notifying that a report is pending their review and approval.

Additional Support

For help with Concur, contact

For additional reference material, refer to the Training and Resources page located on the Travel Services page.

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