How to Add a Travel Arranger

A Travel Arranger is an individual designated in Concur to assist with the travel booking process

To allow another user to book Travel on your behalf, within Concur, the traveler must identify the user as a Travel Assistant. Setting them up as a Delegate will not give them the permissions to book travel on a user’s behalf.

Assign a Travel Arranger/Assistant

Assistants and Travel Arrangers are designated individuals that can assist you with the travel booking process.

  1. To add an Assistant/Travel Arranger go to your profile settings, go to the Travel Settings on the left hand side and click Assistants/Arrangers.

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  1. Click Add an Assistant link. The Add an Assistant screen displays.

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  1. Type the UConn employees name in the Assistant field. A filtered search result displays. Select a valid name from the dropdown, check off other options, as applicable and then click Save.

Additional Support

For help with Concur, contact

For additional reference material, refer to the Training and Resources page located on the Travel Services page.

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