Ways to Make Concur Work For You

This document provides information on the Concur Mobile App, TripIt Pro, the ability to import your itinerary, on-screen help in Concur, and the use of a few helpful email methods.

All features in this document are optional for use and intended to enhance the user’s travel and expense related experience.

Table of Contents

Concur Mobile App

The Concur Mobile app compliments the Online booking tool, allowing you to manage many of the request and expense related functions such as:

  • Enter expenses. Start entering your expenses while you are still travelling.

  • Capture and upload pictures of receipts for easy auto filling expenses.

  • View Travel Card transactions. Automated feed as you complete transactions.

  • Submit expense reports.

  • Check the status of expense reports.

  • Approve expense reports.

Getting the Concur Mobile App

If you already have the Concur mobile app on your phone, it may have already been updated automatically to the newest version. If this is the case, proceed to Step 8 to continue.

  1. Navigate to any web browser.

  2. Access Concur by logging in through our website at Travel Services and clicking Login to Concur Travel & Expense.

  3. Click Profile at the top right corner of the page.

  4. Click Profile Settings below your name.

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  1. At the bottom left of the screen Under the Other Settings heading click Concur Mobile Registration.

  2. Enter your email address in the box provided and click Get Started to receive the link to download the app.

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  1. Download the Concur Mobile App.

  2. Open the Concur Mobile App.

  3. Click Sign In.

  1. Enter UConn SSO Company Code: RT5WR. Then click Next.


  1. Click Sign in with UConn Metadata.

  1. On the next page enter your NetID and Password. You will now be signed into the Concur Mobile App.

(1) Visit https://www.concurtraining.com/toolkit/en/mobile/iphone/end-user For iPhone or https://www.concurtraining.com/toolkit/en/mobile/android/end-user for Android for more information and the Mobile App User Guide. (2) Concur will not let you sign in if your device does not have a passcode or if your device has been modified to remove manufacturer restrictions.

TripIt Pro App

The TripIt® Pro is a free app designed to enhance your total travel experience. TripIt® Pro is your ‘one stop shop’ travel organizer that monitors flights, sends you notifications about upcoming travel, flight delays, lets you know if better seats become available, and more - so travelers are always in the know, on the go.

TripIt® Pro offers:

Seat Tracker. Lets you know if a better seat becomes available.

Check-in Reminder. Gives you a heads up 24 hours before your flight.

Alerts. Notifications about your trip.

Flight Status. Sends you real-time flight alerts throughout your trip.

Go Now. Tells you when you should leave for the airport.

Security Wait Times. Lets you know how long it'll take to get through security.

Forward Itineraries Booked Outside of Concur into Concur Using TripIt

  1. Verify your e-mail address. If you’re creating a TripIt account, you’ll receive an e-mail asking you to verify your e-mail address – make sure you follow these instructions to complete your set up.

  2. Connect an account. Sign into your Concur account and connect a new or existing TripIt account in the Concur App Center.

  3. Forward your confirmation e-mails. Once set up is complete, you can start forwarding your itinerary confirmations (of bookings made outside of Concur) to plans@tripit.com. Your plans will be imported into TripIt and synced with your Concur account.

Forward Itineraries Booked Within Concur Using The Import Itinerary Button

You can use this option if no previous Travel Allowance itinerary was created. On the Travel Allowances pop-up click the Create New Itinerary tab. Then click Import Itinerary. Information may be imported from this menu if travel was booked with Concur/UConn’s TMC and/or the itinerary was forwarded to plans@concur.com.

Using On-Screen Help in Concur

If you click the Help drop down that is outlined in purple in the upper right hand corner of Concur, you can explore interactive help. This provides on-screen click-by-click assistance to help you with various Concur items depending on what module you are working in (i.e Request, Travel, Expense will have different options that are catered to each module).


To send a receipt directly into Concur, you can email receipts@concur.com with the receipt image attached to the email. It will then feed into your available receipts queue in Concur. This is a quick and efficient way to get your receipts into Concur, especially while traveling and on the go!

Before emailing receipts to the Available Receipts queue, you must verify your email address in the Personal Information section in your Concur profile.

Receipts@ExpenseIt.com – Itemize Your Hotel Receipts Almost Automatically!

For automated expense itemization, address your email to receipts@expenseit.com, attach a single receipt image, and send the email. This method sends an image of the receipt, creates an expense line item for the transaction and itemizes the expenses on the receipt.

NOTE: Receipt file formats must be one of the following: PNG, JPG, JPEG, PDF, HTML, TIF, OR TIFF. Maximum file size cannot exceed 5MB, per receipt.

Additional Support

For help with Concur, contact travel@uconn.edu.

For additional reference material, refer to the Training and Resources page located on the Travel Services page.

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