KFS Sub-Object Codes

In Kuali Financials, Sub-Accounts, Sub-Object Codes, and Project Codes are used to define activity or flag transactions when an Account or Object Code does not provide enough detail.

  • If you need details for transactions that span numerous object codes and only a few accounts, Sub-Accounts may be a handy alternative to opening new accounts.

  • If the type of income or expense is limited to a few object codes but spans several accounts, use Sub-Object Codes.

  • If spanning multiple accounts across multiple organizations and activity is not limited within those accounts, use Project Codes.

Sub-Object Codes


  • Create finer distinctions within a particular Object Code within an account.

  • Different accounts/organizations can have different Sub-Object Codes for the same Object Code.


  • Transactions originating from other systems, including Service Billers, may not be able to accommodate additional coding.

  • Initiator and/or approving Fiscal Officer must remember to add the coding on the Accounting Line.

  • General Ledger Transfer (GLT) can be done to recode after completion but leads to multiple eDocs for the same transaction.


  • Specific to account and fiscal year.

  • Take on most attributes of Object Code they are listed under.

  • Sub-Object Code is alpha-numeric up to 3 characters.

Sub-Object Code Example

Suppose Athletics needs to track different types of medical services for student-athletes. By coding each transaction to the Sub-Object Code, a report can easily be run to show the amount spent on each type of medical service.

  • Object Code:

    • Medical Services (6632)

  • Sub Object Codes:

    • Bone Scan (BNS)

    • Dental Injury (DEI)

    • Diagnostic Test (DST)

    • Lab Work (LAB)

    • Magnetic Recon Imaging (MRI)

Sub-Object Code Lookup

In the KFS Chart of Accounts Menu, select Activities, and then select Sub-Object Code

enter account number and object code

Sub-Object Code Use Example (GLT)

sub object code use example

Sub-Object Code Setup

New (Single Account, Single Object Code)

  1. From the Chart of Accounts Menu, navigate to Activities and then to Sub-Object Code.

  2. Click Create New.

  3. Complete the Edit Sub-Object Code section by filling out the following fields.

    1. KFS Chart Code and Account Number

    2. Object Code

    3. Sub-Object Code

    4. Sub-Object Code Name and Short Name

  4. Click Submit.

Once this process is complete, the Sub-Object Code will be sent to the Fiscal Officer and/or Organization Reviewer.

New (Multiple Accounts and/or Multiple Object Codes)

  1. From the Chart of Accounts Menu, navigate to Activities and then to Sub-Object Code Global.

  2. Complete the Edit Sub-Object Code section by filling out the following fields.

    1. Chart Code

    2. Sub-Object Code

    3. Sub-Object Code Name and Short Name

  3. Complete the Edit Object Code section by entering the Object Code(s) where the new Sub-Object Code will be used.

  4. Complete the Edit Accounts tab by entering the Account Numbers where the new Sub-Object will be used. If there are several, use the Search function.

  5. Click Submit.

Once this process is complete, the Sub-Object Code will be sent to the Fiscal Officer and/or Organization Reviewer.

Inactivating a Sub-Object Code

  1. Search for the Sub-Object Code.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Uncheck the Active Indicator box.

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