2014-08-19 Meeting notes
Review Communications Plan (from Shilpa)
- Review Assessment Process document (Bruce)
- Review External Interfaces document (Dave / Mike)
- Plan for remaining deliverables (Test Plan, DR Document Repository, User Department responsibilities, Training plan
- any other items to discuss
Discussion items
- Reviewed Communications plan and made some minor suggestions
- Reviewed Assessment Process document and made some suggestions
- Reviewed External Interface document, asked various questions about individual interfaces, made some suggestions.
- reviewed collector files and other file-based interfaces.
- discussed CashPro BOA tool for setting up wire transfers. Suggested that we should create a separate plan for this, as we're doing for BottomLine. Request this be out of scope for this phase of BC plan.
- discussed SciQuest interface
- Reviewed other deliverables and agreed on assignments as follows:
- Test Plan - Shilpa. Will start to document it this week. We agreed on a test scenario for September (as suggested by Brett) of a complete KFS Database failure. only KFS impacted but requiring activating DR Cloud.
- DR Document Repository - Mike. Will try to have a draft ready for early next week.
- User Department Responsibilities - Bruce & Mike. Will try to have a draft ready for early next week (probably meet on this Thursday to draft it)
- Training Plan - we think it would be best to hold off starting this until all the other drafts are completed. this should not be hard or time-consuming to create.
- No other items were discussed.
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
Action items
Minor additions to Communications Plan. Former user (Deleted). target draft ready to send to Brett and Pam by Thursday, 8/21.
- Changes to Assessment / Decision Process. Bruce Lindemann (Deactivated). Target draft ready to send to Brett and Pam today. (sent already)
- Changes to External Interfaces document. David Paquette. Target draft ready to send to Brett and Pam by Thursday, 8/21.
- Bruce Lindemann (Deactivated) to contact Pam re: place to import/export interface files (collector files and others)
- Bruce Lindemann (Deactivated) to contact Jeremiah Macht to set up call with SciQuest to review what's needed to interface from real DR Cloud (Bruce, Dave to participate).
- Former user (Deleted) to draft Repository options, by Monday, 8/25.
- Bruce Lindemann (Deactivated) and Former user (Deleted) to draft User Department responsibilities by Monday, 8/25.
- Former user (Deleted) to draft Test Plan. Target draft by Tuesday, 8/26.
, multiple selections available,