Kuali Cloud Internal test 1-Financial Processing

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Financial Processing eDocseDoc codeCommentsAssigned ToNotesJIRAComplete Y/N
Advance Deposit (AD)AD

Successfully tested creating, submitting, and approving an advance deposit.  Routed properly to Cash manager group, and pending entries were correct.

When break testing, I came across an exception error on docs 12645351 and 12645352.

AlexException errors appear to be happening to all financial processing doc types when adding ad hoc recipients.FINUCONN-364 (resolved)



Auxiliary VoucherAV

Successfully tested all 3 types of AV's, including creating, submitting, and approving.  Routed to FO. 

Need to update accounting period before testing.

Test all 3 types:  adjustment, accrual, recode.
Verify that you can't select a closed accounting period.




Budget AdjustmentBA

I am getting a stack trace error when adding an accounting line. 

Verify that you can't enter an unbalanced from/to amounts (i.e. must match)

FINUCONN-374 (resolved)



Cash ReceiptCR

Submitted doc 12645324, and it routes to the Cash Manager group.  I will note that the system does allow for post-dated checks on submission.  No superuser action to approve, so I logged in as Alyse, and get the following message:

I see below in the CCR Comments, that you need to open the cash drawer through the Cash Management function, but when I open Cash Management, I get:

*need to continue testing after opening cash drawer.

Doc 12645324 was successfully routed and finalized.

more complex and time-consuming.  Test variety of currency and coin quantities, with and without checks.  See production for some examples to recreate.  Also see production for what accounting line codes to use.

FINUCONN-366 for the Cash Management doc issue. (resolved)



Credit Card ReceiptCCR

Successfully submitted and approved doc 12645328.  Routed properly to Cash management group for approval.

select the vendor and the card type will fill in.  Can use 2060667037 - Athletics as an example.  Look for example in production for accounting line examples to use.

See note from last year's test - had to open cash drawer through Cash Management function.  Once open, this allowed the eDoc to be submitted.


Passed break testing, 12645391.



Distribution Of Income And ExpenseDI

Successfully submitted and approved doc 12645329.  Routed properly to FO.

tried expired account

added a Word and an Excel attachments,

AlexPassed break testing, 12645393.



General Ledger Correction ProcessGLCP

Submitted doc 12645330 which created a batch .data file.  The file processed correctly and the entries hit the general ledger as expected.

3/28 (Bruce):  ran additional test of GLCP on transactions that kicked out due to fiscal period not open (09).  Opened/activated 09-March and ran GLCP for the 3/5 scrubber.  All transactions went through GLCP ok.  Let the overnight batch run and checked the scrubber report and some of the GL entries the next morning, those GLCP transactions went through the scrubber and posted to GL successfully.

may need to load a correction file until we can run a scrubber/poster cycle that has some failing transactions.

11/15/20: found the scrberr2 file from the last day before KFS-UPS was refreshed from PRD.  tested with this file.  check for fiscal year and period if using prior data.




General Ledger TransferGLT

I can pull a doc into the GLT, but when I copy the lines, I get a stack trace error.  I submitted Jira FINUCONN-365.

I also noticed that in the sandbox, there is a field for fiscal period when in our production environment this does not exist. Provided Heather/Kymber with some feedback on this.  We understand Kuali's concern of performance issues, but we would prefer to have this default to a wild card *.  It is currently defaulting to the current fiscal period.

Submitted doc 12645864, which routed properly through workflow.  When trying to pull in the same reference doc (12579413), I am unable to since it has already been used on the GLT 12645864.

new - see documentation

FINUCONN-365 (resolved)



Indirect Cost AdjustmentICASuccessfully created and submitted doc 12645333.  Default account and object codes set up, and doc routed properly.AlexPassed break testing, 12645396.



Internal BillingIB

Successfully created and submitted doc 12645334 and 12645335.  Routed through standard IB workflow.

see production for some data to recreate.

AlexPassed break testing, 12645397.



Journal VoucherJV

Successfully created and submitted doc 12645337.  Routed through standard JV Reviewers Group approval workflow.

When submitting a JV, if I recall to action list and change the balance type code, the document seems frozen/stuck.  This also happens in UAT.  Will discuss with Bruce/Brett.




Non-Check DisbursementNDSuccessfully created and submitted doc 12645340.  Routed through standard Group1/wire approval workflow.AlexPassed break testing, 12645402.



Pre-EncumbrancePESuccessfully created and submitted both a pre-encumbrance and disencumbrance.  Routed through account FO as expected.Alex



Transfer Of FundsTFSuccessfully created and submitted doc 12645410.  Routed through standard approval workflow.AlexPassed break testing, 12645411



Service BillingSB

Successfully created and submitted doc 12645415.

need to use a netID with authority to this…

AlexPassed break testing, 12645416



Single-Sided Budget AdjustmentSSBAI am getting a stack trace error when adding an accounting line.Alex
FINUCONN-374 (resolved)



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