Running Reports

WebFOCUS content can be accessed using the resource tree found along the left-hand margin. Additional functions and information can be found within the resource toolbar along the upper right of the screen at login time. The list of content folders varies based on the access granted to each user.

Expanding a Folder

To expand the menu tree on the left and to access the reports within each subject area, click on the arrow to the left of the folder name.

Expand menu tree


  • Standard Reports Folder: contains many different standardized reports that prompt you for specific information to generate a report that is unique to your organization.

  • My Content Folder: stores customized reports that you have designed, as well as any schedules you have created using Report Caster.

  • Shared Content Folder: holds all of WebFOCUS users’ shared reports within each individual’s folder (alphabetical by first name).

    Different folders include Standard Reports, My Content, and Shared content.

Running a Report 

  1. Expand a content folder and click on the name of the report. The parameters screen will display. Some reports are set to generate output with no user input.

  2. Enter required parameters.

    1. Some parameter boxes are multi-select. Hold down the Control key and click to select multiple options.

    2. Reports can be output in HTML, PDF, or Excel. When output to HTML, links in the report lead directly to relevant KFS screens or other WebFocus reports.

  3. Click Run in a new window.

  4. Click Run to submit the request. 

    1. Do not close a report in progress by clicking the top right X. If a report is in progress and the progress window is closed by clicking the top right X, the report will continue to run in the background. Instead, navigate to Tools > Stop Requests (at the top right of the main WebFOCUS dashboard).

For general assistance or to report an issue with WebFOCUS, log a ticket directly with the Technology Support Center.

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