Facilities Operation (FO) - COVID-19 Positive Location Notification


First and foremost, we needed to prove-out the solution we were going to apply; refer to the chosen /wiki/spaces/~rjb03001/pages/25009258668  page for details on that

Steps for the New FO Role Task

Creating the New FO Role

  1.  Follow the steps outlined within /wiki/spaces/OEM/pages/13242927039 guide

    1.  In the above referenced guide:

      1.  For Step 5.a., use "FO COVID-19 Notification Team"

      2.  For Step 9.b., use "FO COVID-19 PL Notifier"

      3.  DO NOT do Step 9.d.

      4. For Step 9.f., all check-boxes under "Group Management" and "Rule Management" should be checked, as shown below:

        Group Management

        (tick)Create, edit and delete Groups, Remove contact from group
        (tick)Create, edit and delete Groups
        (tick)Add contacts to Groups
        (tick)Move and remove contacts from Groups

        Rule Management

        Create, edit and delete rules
        (tick)Create, edit and delete rules for same role only


Anytime the settings for a given role gets changed, any logged-in user of that role will have to logout and login again to see the changes!

Importing FO specific records (466, to be precise)

  1. Backup Everbridge user base

  2. Run the curated FO CSV file in Everbridge, using the UI as Organization Admin role


    That the selected CSV file is being used as the Update option!

  3. Export Everbridge user base

  4. In the exported CSV file, confirm:

    1. The count from Step 1 is the same as the count from Step 4

    2. Filter by "Groups" column; confirm it results in 467 affected record (1 more record is because I am including my own record as part of this group)

      1. If either 5.a. or 5.b. fails, REVERT by uploading the CSV file from Step 1

  5. Assign the group that was created in the previous section "FO COVID-19 Notification Team" to the new FO role

  6. Login using Break-Glass, and confirm access

  7. Notify Team on completion

It actually worked out for the best that PoC 2 was the final approach to addressing this task.

Why? Because now the new FO role has a group within Everbridge (under the Contacts tab) where they can further segment the records (i.e. get real granular as needed)

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