CSV File Format & Requirements

  1.  When saving the CSV file from within Excel, use the "CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)" option

  2.  The following header columns are absolutely required !
    First Name,Last Name,External ID,Record Type,Groups,END
  3.  External ID refers to an individual's NetID and must be in lowercase!

  4.  Record Type refers to an individual's affiliation, as is returned from LDAP (e.g. "Staff" or "Employee" or... etc.)

             If you are unsure about this value for a given individual, you may just state "Staff"

  5.  Groups column must mention the following (do not change!)—
    *|FO COVID-19 Notification Team

                 * ensures that group membership for the individual being listed is preserved,
                | is a "separator", and
                 FO COVID-19 Notification Team is the name of the group that has been assigned to the FO COVID-19 PL Notifier role

  6.  Enter a record on its own line

  7.  Lastly, quotes are not required, but highly recommended. As such, either of the following is acceptable:

    Example Without QuotesExample With Quotes
    Rushikumar,Bhatt,rjb03001,Staff,*|FO COVID-19 Notification Team,END"Rushikumar","Bhatt","rjb03001","Staff","*|FO COVID-19 Notification Team","END"
  8.  Sample CSV file is attached as well as shown below—

    Sample CSV File
    First Name,Last Name,External ID,Record Type,Groups,END
    Rushikumar,Bhatt,rjb03001,Staff,*|FO COVID-19 Notification Team,END
    Jeremy,Friedman,jef04002,Staff,*|FO COVID-19 Notification Team,END

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