B. Uniforms

  1. Uniforms       

    1. Design, purchase, funding

      1. Design ideas

      2. Purchase 

      3. Funding
    2. Distribution/collection

      1. Uniform Sizing

    3. Uniform Cleaning/Repair

    4. Alternate and Supplementary Uniforms

      1. Warm-ups

      2. Ball caps

      3. T-shirts

    5. Color Guard

      1. Design

      2. Ordering

    6. Twirler

      1. Design

      2. Ordering

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Uniform Design

The UConn Band Uniform has evolved through modernization of the predominant features of the previous uniform to maintain some continuity. It has maintained a consistent identity while making distinctive changes. The current and past two uniforms have consisted of the same parts, pants, jacket, cape, baldric, and shako in a traditional style. The relatively conservative, traditional style allows the uniform to remain appropriate to the time and for the uniform to be appropriate for every style of performance. The current uniform has been in use for ten years and still provides a classy, first class appearance for the band inspiring pride for the University of Connecticut. The previous two uniforms were used for fourteen years each. The exceptional longevity each set of uniforms makes their purchase a "bargain" compared to trendy alternatives that might need replacement much more frequently either for style or wear issues. Uniform design evolves in committee starting with what do we like about our former uniform, how might those features change to align with the times or produce a different or stronger effect. Those ideas are typically brought to uniform designers from reputable uniform companies to be rendered into drawings that are evaluated and developed over time until a particular look is sufficiently appealing to those constituents. Each part of the uniform represented updates from the previous uniform–the pants became "bibbers" allowing for a short jacket that contributes to a taller appearance of each band member. The long cape was replace with a shorter half-cape, and the baldric was a stylized, angular shape sewn into the jacket, giving a more modern, angular appearance and eliminating an additional part of the uniform. A shiny cummerbund or "vestee" was added beneath the short jacket to add sparkle to the uniform while retaining the traditional, classic look. 

Uniform Purchase/Funding

Purchasing the primary band uniform is a major undertaking as it the marching band is one of the university's most visible organizations. All constituencies need to be involved in the design and purchase of the uniform. Representatives from the President's Office, Athletics, Branding, School of Fine Arts, UCMB Alumni, and current members need to take some ownership of the process a the uniforms will represent our university for many years and be seen by millions. Because uniforms are a major capital outlay $175-200,000, the expense has traditionally been born by the  School of Fine Arts, UConn Administration, Division of Athletics, and the UConn Foundation raising funds through Band Alumni. The economics of the day have determined the proportion of payment. Because many things change at a University in 10 to 14 years, this discussion will have to be made before a new set of uniforms can be ordered.  The upcoming purchase will have the advantage of having about 1/4 of the money having been accumulated from the UCMB Budget. The number of uniforms purchased should be at least 20% more than the projected size of the band during the years the uniform will be used. The extra number of uniforms is necessary to accommodate variations in size of the band members. Projected growth in numbers of band members and in attrition of uniforms due to accident or loss is very important in determining numbers. Purchasing the correct number of uniforms initially is by far the most efficient financial procedure. A custom garment cost each is far less in high quantities compared with low numbers or individual replacement.  

Once a the uniform design is complete and funding has been agreed upon, the purchase process will initiate an RFP (Request for Proposal) from uniform companies to construct and deliver the uniform. The RFP will be posted by the University Purchasing Dept. in accordance with its current practice. General specifications will be specified in the RFP but each company will respond with its proposal to meet the general specifications in using its own practices. Sample uniforms might be requested. Bids will be submitted including how it will meet those specifications and will be evaluated by a committee from Purchasing, the Band Director and other interested parties. All aspects of each bid will be compared and the bid determined to most favorably meet the need will be chosen, it may or may not be the lowest bid.  This allows differences in manufacture to be compared more fairly. A slightly more expensive garment may be chosen if it appears to promise greater longevity or other advantage in comparison to lesser or equal cost garments. 

Uniform Storage/ Distribution / Collection

The UCMB uniforms are stored in the "Uniform Closet" in the Music Building. They are kept in numerical order and the numerical order is in relation to uniform size so that small numbers represent small uniforms. Uniforms are kept on hangers with Uniform pants, jackets, capes, and vestees together by number. Each uniform is tailored by size by weight and height in relation to each other so they will most likely fit the same person and will fit best in most cases if issued as a unit.

The uniforms are issued by volunteers from Kappa Kappa Psi Fraternity and Tau Beta Sigma Sorority during pre-season week. Members are preassigned to groups based on size and groups are taken in order of size so that if there are fit problems related to a shortage of uniforms of a given size judicious decisions can be made in which several students may end up with a slightly larger uniform than desired rather than having one or more having to be outfitted with a much too large suit.

A Uniform Contract is required from each student to be issued a uniform stating the conditions and expectations for wear, care, and return of the uniform. 

The most common and most easily solved fitting problem with uniforms is length of trousers (bibbers). Tau Beta Sigma members are on hand during the uniform process to alter the pant length appropriately . 

At the end of the seasons the uniforms are collected, inventoried, and sent out for cleaning. 

All procedures for distributing uniforms are contained in the KKY Uniform Guide

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