How to Use the Lightboard Room
The Lightboard Room allows faculty to record instructional videos to supplement their teaching. Examples of high-quality Lightboard recordings can be found on the Lightboard Room homepage. To review some some Lightboard Tips & Techniques, visit the Tips & Techniques Knowledgebase page.
If you plan to use the room computer (to access PowerPoint, OneDrive, or other applications) you will now need to sign in. The Lightboard Room computer no longer uses a general sign-in for all users.
When you are finished with your session please make sure to sign out of the room computer and press the “System OFF” button on the Lightboard touch panel. Please also turn off the microphone(s) and place them back in their charger.
Lightboard start-up and use:
The Lightboard is primarily controlled by the touch-screen panel located on the left-hand side of the board. The initial screen will appear as the following:
Tap the screen to proceed to begin using the system.
Once pass the initial screen, the following options will appear:
The center of the screen asks to select a source which will be captured during the recording. The options include:
Computer: Reflects the screen of the stationary computer already in the room.
Laptop HDMI: Allows a user to connect their own computer. The cable is located on the stand directly next to the control screen and Document Camera. (USB-C to HDMI adapter is available in the EdTech office, Rowe 422.)
Document Camera: Also located on the stand next to the Lightboard. Must be powered on to be able to use.
No Source: No input will be used and the system will display the Lightboard and presenter only.
The green light next to the source indicates there is an active input. If the light is red, the system is not detecting the source and will be unable to use that option.
On the left hand side are additional options to control the monitors on the wall which the presenter will see as they record. If they choose, they can toggle them on/off.
Optionally, you may also choose to change the lighting in the room. By selecting Lighting Control, the following options appear and you may toggle them as needed. To exit the pop-screen, select Close Window.
The Back Lights options are not yet fully functional as the Lightboard continues to undergo maintenance.
Once you are ready to begin recording, select Kaltura Live Lecture Capture, as shown in the image on Step 3.
The system will then prompt you with the following options. This cannot be changed once the recording has started.
a. Black Screen: Displays user behind any item which may be presented on screen.
b. Green Screen: Displays user in front of any item which may be presented on screen.
c. Picture in Picture: Displays users in a picture on the side of the screen. Typically used for ASL videos.
After selecting on the above options, you will then be asked to enter your NetID in order to link the video recording to your Kaltura account.
After you enter your NetID and hit Next, the system will then ask you to begin the recording. Note that this is the time to ensure you are wearing a microphone so that the system can capture the audio.
Microphones are located directly next to the Room Lights switch, which is on the right hand wall as you enter the room. Ensure that you switch the microphone on, and check the audio input levels (indicated by rising bars on the control screen).
When ready, select Record.
While recording, you can continue to switch between sources if necessary. Be sure to use the Recording Controls to pause & resume the recording as needed. You can also flip the image of the recording using Image Flip.
The Image Flip function is not yet functional as the Lightboard continues to undergo maintenance.
When completely finished with the recording, select Stop. Note that this will cease the recording entirely and upload it to Kaltura. There is no method by which to resume the same recording if Stop is used. Be sure to select Pause if you plan to continue to record on the same video.
The system will then proceed back to the screen from step 3. If you wish to record additional videos, please follow the same steps once again. If finished, please use System Off to power down the system. Be sure to turn off the microphone, replace it on the charger, and to leave the room free of any personal items.
For additional help on using the Lightboard, please contact the Educational Technology Office down the hall in Rowe 422, or via email at or (860) 486-5052.
For audiovisual or technical issues, please contact ITS as 860-486-4357, then press #1. Contact information can also be accessed via the Help button on the control screen.