Grading VoiceThread Assignments

This article is for instructors who are using any of the VoiceThread Assignment types.

Grading in VoiceThread

  • When a VoiceThread (VT) Assignment is created in a folder/module, a corresponding Grade column is also created. The VT Assignment link will also provide instructors/TAs a grading panel to assess student activity based on the specified possible points.

    • At this time the VT grading interface does not offer a rubric function.

  • HuskyCT Original Courses

    • Unlike other HuskyCT assessments, student submissions will not create a “Needs Grading” indicator, nor can instructors access student submissions via the Grade Center (Original Course View).

    • To grade student VT submissions, instructors should navigate to the VoiceThread link itself. From the VT Assignment grading panel, instructors can view comments and input grades. Saved grades will transfer to the corresponding Grade Center column.

  • HuskyCT Ultra Courses

    • In Ultra courses, the Gradebook will not display any indication of “New Submissions,” however it is possible to access the VT grading panel by clicking on the Assignment name from the Gradebook “List View.”

Grading Statuses

After a VoiceThread (VT) Assignment has been created, instructors or TAs can access the grading panel (shown below) by clicking on the VT Assignment link. The VoiceThread Grading panel will display students and their attempt statuses depending on their activity.


Please note: If a student’s name is not appearing on the list, it means that they have not clicked the VT assignment link yet.

  • Unattempted

    • This status indicates only that a student has clicked on this VT assignment link from the course page (or another VT link in the course prior to this assignment being created).

    • This also indicates that the student has not yet viewed the VoiceThread Assignment content. Students must click “Start Assignment” in order to view VoiceThread Assignment content - which changes their status to “In Progress.”

  • In Progress

    • This status indicates that a student has clicked “Start Assignment”. It does not necessarily indicate that a student has viewed the VoiceThread Assignment content or made comments.

    • This status can also indicate that student has made comments but has not yet satisfied all of the VT assignment requirements, or has not yet submitted.

    • If you click on the “In Progress” student’s name you will either see their comments or a message that they have not begun working on the assignment (no comments made).

  • Submitted

    • This status indicates that a student has satisfied all of the VT assignment requirements and has submitted.

    • You can click on their name to see their comments, grade their contributions, and save the grade.

  • Graded

    • Once a student’s grade has been saved, their name will will move to the Graded tab (shown below), and their score will transfer to the corresponding Grade column.

  • Cannot be graded

    • This status only appears if a student has dropped the course. Even if the student is not visible in the Users list or Grade Center, their name and this status will remain in the VT grading panel. At this time this status cannot be removed.



For more information, contact Educational Technologies at or (860) 486-5052, M-F 9am-4pm.