Embedding Media in HuskyCT

Faculty, students, and staff can embed media (e.g., videos) in HuskyCT. 

  1. Log in to HuskyCT.

  2. Navigate to the HuskyCT page where you would like to put the recording.

  3. Select Build Content. 

  4. Choose Kaltura Media 1.3 from the drop-down menu.

  5. Select View Media I Own (it may say View Media I can Publish).

    • Change this option to Media I can Publish. You will then be able to select the media you wish to embed into HuskyCT. You can finish the embedding process by giving the post a title and adjusting any other settings available to HuskyCT that you may wish to use.

For more information or assistance with HuskyCT, contact the Educational Technology Office at edtech@uconn.edu or (860) 486-5052.

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