Getting started in CourseLeaf Section Scheduler (CLSS)

Getting Access to CLSS

To request access to CLSS, please email Please note that the primary scheduling contact/department head for your department will need to approve your access before it can be granted.

When requesting access we’ll need to know the following:

  1. The name and Net ID of the person requesting access;

  2. Which scheduling unit(s) they need access to;

  3. The name of the person who has authorized their access to that scheduling unit (please copy the person granting authorization on the email request).

Logging into CLSS

To log in to CLSS, go to

Getting Help with CLSS

Instructions for using CLSS are broken down by topic on this page. For a full list of help articles, visit the CourseLeaf Section Scheduler section of the UConn Knowledge Base. For a full CLSS training video, see CLSS Schedulers Training.

To access the vendor’s documentation and job aids, visit the In addition, as you’re using the software, you will see help links relevant to the screen the link is on:

help link in CLSS
Links to CourseLeaf help articles appear throughout the CLSS system.

While the vendor’s documentation does a good job at explaining the mechanics of CLSS, please see the “Using CLSS” section on this page for more UConn-specific information about using the system.

Important Dates and Deadlines in CLSS

This table only includes dates relevant to Fall and Spring terms. Due to the nature of summer and winter classes, those deadlines tend to be more fluid.

Some of the dates listed in this table are subject to change.


Spring 2025

Fall 2025

Spring 2026


Spring 2025

Fall 2025

Spring 2026

Available in CLSS




Schedule Validation Due




Classrooms Assigned*




Registration Opens




Start of Term




Day 10




SET Preferences Due




Exam Schedule Published




* Estimate only. Room assignments depend on the validation and submission of department schedules and may vary.

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Navigating CLSS


The landing page for CLSS is called the Instances page, which is a list of historical and current terms available in CLSS. To get started, first select the term in which you wish to schedule.

Instances screen in CLSS
Instances are broken into three categories; Historical, Current and Specialized Programs. Most CLSS users will work in the Current instances. Historical instances are for reference only.

Scheduling Units

All sections in CLSS are broken down into separate scheduling units. Most often, these are based on academic departments, but there are also custom units that do not necessarily follow the organizational structure. A scheduling unit refers to a specific subject area (e.g. ACCOUNTING), program (e.g. MS_BAPM), or regional campus (e.g., REG_HARTFORD).

As a user, you will have access to a particular scheduling unit. To get started, navigate to your scheduling unit and open it to view your classes.

Please see the CourseLeaf help site for more information about the Scheduling Unit Screen.

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Adding and Deleting Sections

Adding Sections

To add a new section, double click a class in the Scheduling Unit screen to expand the section and select the green '+' icon on the right side of the row to add the section.

By default, the Scheduling Unit screen will only display courses with scheduled sections. To schedule a section of a course with no existing sections, select the “Show courses with no sections” checkbox near the top of the screen.

Deleting Sections

Sections should only be deleted while an instance in the Plan phase prior to the opening of registration. Once registration opens, use the “Status” field in the Section Editor to cancel the class.

To delete a section, select the red 'X' icon next to the section you wish to delete.

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Section Editor

The Section Editor is the tool you will use to add and revise sections of classes. The section editor includes all the fields that are editable when managing a class. For information about particular fields in the Section Editor, expand the section under the relevant numbered heading.

1. Title/Topic

For most courses, this field simply displays the title of the course. For topics courses, users can select a topic from this dropdown field to add to a class section.

If the topic you need is not listed, see Requesting New Topics in CLSS for information about adding new topics.

2. Section #

Use this field to specify the section number. Please note that section numbers may only be used once per term; it is not possible for two sections to have the same section number.

When creating classes with multiple components (e.g. lecture/lab, lecture discussion), we strongly recommend that departments do not use section number 001L or 001D and instead begin their lab and discussion section numbers at 002L/002D. This can help to avoid common errors when bridging sections from CLSS to Student Admin.

3. Credits

4. Status

5. Consent

6. Grading Basis

7. Link To

8. Combine With

9. Session

10. Campus (Loc)

11. Instruction Mode

12. Schedule Print

13. Component

14. Final Exam

15. Auto Enroll(s)

16. Section and Course Attributes

17. Instructor

18. Schedule/Class Meetings

19. Room and EMS Room Seek

20. Enrollment Capacity and Required Room Capacity

21. Wait List

22. Reserved Seats

23. Notes

24. Internal Comments

If you have any CLSS questions, please contact

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