PeopleSoft Upgrade to Campus Solutions 9.2

Information Technology Services (ITS) is upgrading UConn's PeopleSoft Student Administration System.

ITS uses PeopleSoft Campus Solutions (CS) for our Student Administration (SA) system. SA is the authoritative system of record for student academic data, the administrative environment supporting numerous academic processes, and a service portal for students. ITS, in collaboration with our functional partners, is upgrading CS to version 9.2, which is the latest version. 

This upgrade improves the user interface and delivers new capabilities.

  • It simplifies navigation. Instead of browsing through menus and lists, the student homepage features easily identifiable tiles. After clicking into a tile, you see a side menu with related functions.

  • With the fluid design, you will be able to easily use the system on a mobile device and iPad. 

Familiar functions in PeopleSoft have been preserved in the upgraded version.

This version of PeopleSoft uses some new terms.

Tile: A navigation icon found on a homepage.

Homepage: The homepage has tiles that facilitate navigation.

NavBar: The navigation bar (NavBar) is a control that provides quick access to folders and pages.

NavCollection: A collection of pages, located on the left side of the screen, that are grouped for easy navigation.

Fluid: Dynamic pages that adjust based on screen size. Desirable for mobile devices.

Preview of Updates

Below is a preview of what the homepage, navigation, and screens will look like after the upgrade.

The "unified header," tiles, and navigator menus are built on Oracle FLUID technology. They are responsive and will re-size dynamically based on your current device. Pages and activities within these tiles and menus built on FLUID will also deliver this dynamic experience. Others will present in the familiar Oracle Classic style and will be enhanced going forward. 

Updated Navigation

The menu navigation will be slightly different after the upgrade. The menu will be located on the upper right side of the home screen.

Navigation icons

When you click on NavBar icon, you will be able to access your favorites and recently visited places.

NavBar icon

Interface Changes for Instructors and Advisors

For instructors and advisors, the homepage is updated, but once they access a folder from within Navigator, the system will look and function the same as previous versions.

9.2 Instructor/Advisor Homepage

Interface Changes for Students

The updated environment has a more modern interface that is designed to be clearer and easier to navigate. The homepage features a collection of tiles for the main areas within the system. When you click on a tile, the next screen displays the updated navigation on the left.

9.2 Student Homepage 

Activities Within the "Manage Classes" Tile 

Activities Within the "Academic progress and Advising" Tile

Activities Within the "Profile" Tile 

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