Viewing Your Class Schedule (Instructors)

Instructors can view their class schedule in the Student Administration System. 

  1. Click the NavBar icon in the top right-hand corner

    NavBar icon
  2. Click the Navigator button from the menu. 

    Navigator button
  3. Click the Self Service tab. 

  4. Click the Faculty Center tab. 

  5. Click the My Schedule tab. 

  6. The Faculty Schedule will display within the browser for the current term.

  7. Click Change Term to select a different term to view.

    1. Select a different term from the listing. 

    2. Click Continue.

  8. The Faculty Schedule will display within the browser for the selected term.  

The Faculty Schedule includes Class Permissions Number, Course Title & Number, Number Enrolled, Days & Times, Building & Room Number, and Class Dates.

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