Webex - No Meeting Entitlement

If you run into this error, reach out to techsupport@uconn.edu to have a technician fix your account.

This is a relatively new issue that ITS is working out. We believe this error appears to occur when a first-time Webex user signs into the Webex Desktop App before signing into uconn-cmr.webex.com. Especially after changing their email address.

User accounts are created the first-time you sign into the website. Therefore, if you sign into the App first, your account isn’t created correctly.

The website version of Webex will work in the meantime.

After the technician has made changes, follow these steps

It is crucial that you sign into the website before signing into the Webex App.

  1. Navigate to s.uconn.edu/webex and sign in with your NetID.

  2. Once you reach your home page, you will see your name across the center of the page. Close the web page and wait 5 minutes.

  3. Open the Webex App.

  4. Click on your profile picture. If you do not have a profile picture, you will instead see your initials.

  5. Click on Help and then Health Checker.

  6. In the “Database status:” section, click on Reset.

  7. When asked, sign into the App again.