Security Keys for the 2FA Service

Faculty, staff and students who do not want to use a personal device may purchase a physical security key.

These keys are incompatible with classroom computers, and you cannot use them to authenticate into a classroom computer. You will need a different secondary authentication method, such as a mobile device.

Step 1: Learn about Physical Security Keys

Keys are small devices that plug into your device and allow you to verify your identity in place of a phone. When the key is plugged into your device, you accept a Duo prompt by touching the button on the key. The button is capacitive touch (like your smartphone screen) and does not depress.

If you install the free app, Duo Mobile, on your smartphone, you do not need a security key. If you believe that you need a security key, please reach out to ITS at, or swing by the Technology Support Center on Level 1 of Homer Babbidge Library. ITS will advise you and can help you purchase the key.

The smartphone app is also not necessary for 2FA at UConn although recommended; you can have Duo text or call you in order to accept a prompt.

Step 2: Buying Security Keys

These are known as “security keys” and must be plugged into your computer. “Hardware tokens” do not plug into your computer. Learn more here:

If you have been advised to purchase a security key, you will find that there are many different models of key. The different keys are made to plug into different devices and have different features. You only need the basic security key for Duo at UConn.

The Yubico Security Key Series keys are the value models and are sufficient for use at UConn. They can be found here: and the full product line, including carrying cases, can be found here:

Step 3: Register Keys

  1. Navigate to

  2. If you need to, authorize yourself with your current method by accepting the Duo push/text/call.

  3. Click on Add another device

  4. Choose Security Key.

  5. Read the prompt and then click Continue.

  6. In the popup window, choose External security key or built-in sensor.

    1. Note that the wording may differ browser by browser. Do not choose the QR code option.

  7. Plug in your key and tap on the button.

    Remember the button is capacitive touch: it is akin to touching a smartphone screen and does not depress.

  8. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your setup.


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