Syncing a Computer to OneDrive
Think of “syncing” as linking your computer to your OneDrive account. This process can be repeated on multiple computers.
Faculty, staff, and students can access their backed-up files without using the OneDrive website by syncing their computer to OneDrive. Doing so will have your OneDrive files appear on your computer as if they were physically on your computer. This process maintains file safety and security, while also giving users the benefit of local-file speeds.
Syncing OneDrive (Windows and MacOS)
Navigate to and sign in with your UConn email address and NetID password.
You may also visit, sign in using the same credentials listed above, click on the app launcher icon in the top-left corner, and choose OneDrive.
After signing in, you will be brought to your OneDrive home page. In the top toolbar, select Sync.
The OneDrive website will check if you have the OneDrive application installed.
If you do have OneDrive installed your browser will prompt you to open OneDrive.
If nothing happens, click on download latest version of OneDrive and follow these guides: Connect Computer to OneDrive
Your OneDrive folder will now begin syncing to your computer.
This initial sync may take some time, depending on the number of files in your OneDrive account. The sync happens in the background and you may shutdown your computer.
Viewing OneDrive Site Files
Are my files still safe? How long will the files stay on my computer?
View the On-Demand guide to learn about local file retention: Set OneDrive to On-Demand in Windowsarchived