Add others to a SharePoint Site

Follow this guide if your SharePoint site was created by ITS. If you, or someone in your department, created the site, follow this guide: Add Owners and Members to a custom SharePoint Site

If you are unsure, check the guide linked above. You will not be able to proceed past Step 2 if the site was not created by ITS. Return to this guide if you are unable to complete the guide linked above.

This article covers how site owners add users to a SharePoint site.

Adding UConn Users as Members

  1. Navigate to and click on your site.

  2. Click Share in the top right corner.

  3. At this point you need to make a decision on how people access shared files.

    1. Should all users have equal access to the files and folders?

    2. Or should some folders be hidden from certain users?

  4. Type the name of the first person you would like to add. Click on their result in the drop-down menu for the next step.

  5. You are given 3 choices of control.

    1. Full control - will give them full access to the site, as if they were the original administrator. They can add / remove people from the site and change the permission levels of other users.

    2. Edit - give the user full access to all files and folders on the site. They can edit, add, and delete any file on the SharePoint site. This is the most common tier for coworkers. With the Recycle Bin and Version History, giving users this level of access should not be a concern.

    3. Read - should only be used if you plan on restricting access of these users. If you would like to hide a folder from this low-access group of users, assign them Read access; this will put them in the Visitor category. Please review Restrict SharePoint folders from certain Users before you add users as Read.

  6. Add all your users and then decide if you would like them to receive an email invitation.
    In most cases you will want to send them an email. This could be their first notification of your actions and will provide them a link to the SharePoint site. Otherwise, be sure to manually send them a link to the site.

  7. Click Share to add these users to the site.

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