Single-Sided Budget Adjustment (SSBA)

Users can complete a Single-Sided Budget Adjustment (SSBA) eDoc through Kuali Financial Systems (KFS).  

The Single-Sided Budget Adjustment document looks identical to the Budget Adjustment eDoc. It adjusts budgets after the start of the fiscal year when circumstances change in budgeted items and establishes the budget in a new account created after the fiscal year begins.

Only one section of the Accounting Lines needs to be completed, using a revenue or expense object code.

For the SSBA, the Accounting Lines section does not need to balance.

Single-Sided Budget Adjustments within the RSTSP Sub-Fund should only be initiated by Sponsored Programs staff.

To access the Single-Sided Budget Adjustment eDoc,

  1. Navigate to the Home Menu.

  2. Click on Budget.

  3. Select Single-Sided Budget Adjustment.   

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