Honors Core courses

Unlike the featured courses page, the Honors Core courses page has a table serving as an overview and index of the semester's offerings. Otherwise they are similar: define the semester tag and create a page containing a post loop.

Before you begin

Make sure that you are signed in to edit the Honors Program website.

Step 1: Create the semester tag

  1. From the website Dashboard, go to Posts Tags


    Search for the tag first to make sure they haven't already been created!

  2. Create a tag for Core courses:
    • Name: Semester Year Core Courses (ex: Spring 2020 Core Courses)
    • Slug: year-semester-core (ex: 2020-spring-core)
  3. Click the Edit link below the Featured Courses tag
  4. Look in the page URL for the tag_id. Save this number for the next step.

Step 2: Create the Core Courses page


You can create the page from scratch, but it is much easier to copy an existing page.

  1. Navigate to the most recent Honors Core courses page. You can find it linked from the Current Honors Courses page.
  2. Use the Aurora header to Copy to a new draft.
  3. Change the page title to reflect the new Semester and/or Year.
  4. Edit the permalink to keep the URL in the format core-semester-year
  5. Edit the Post Loop widget.
  6. Under "Additional," enter the tag_id saved at the end of Step 1.

Step 3: Add Honors Core course posts

  • If a course already has a post (use site search) and the instructor does not want to make any changes, simply add the appropriate Core tag.
  • If a course already has a post and the instructor wants to make changes:
    • Fix typographical errors on the existing post and add the new tag.
    • For changes to the course or course description, copy the post to a new draft and make necessary changes, including switching to the new tag. (Remove any tags that are carried over from the original post.)
  • For a new post, follow this basic template:

Title: SUBJ ####: Course Title
Permalink: subj-####

Categories: (tick) Curriculum Updates
Tags: Core course tag created in Step 1.

Post content:

[UConn CampusName]

 Prerequisites, preparation, or other restrictions?

In italics, include any restrictions that we aren't going to override. Example: Requires ENGL 1007, 1010, 1011, or 2011.

Course description.

May be one or more paragraphs.

 Registration notes

Paragraph for registration instructions. Examples:

This class has a catalog-level pre- or co-requisite of any 1000-level economics course. We can override this requirement. If you are an Honors student, you may register by emailing honors@uconn.edu and including (1) your name; (2) your 7-digit Student Admin number; (3) your registration “pick time”; (4) the course number and section; (5) the class number from Student Admin; and (6) confirmation that there are seats available in the course.

This class is defined in the catalog as open to freshmen and sophomores in the Honors Program. If you are an Honors student who will have 54 or more credits when this course is offered, you may register by emailing honors@uconn.edu and including (1) your name; (2) your 7-digit Student Admin number; (3) your registration “pick time”; (4) the course number and section; (5) the class number from Student Admin; and (6) confirmation that there are seats available in the course.

SLHS 3295 is a “variable credits” course. Please ensure that you register for 3 credits.

SOCI 3823 is coded at the catalog level as “open to juniors or higher” but other Honors students may contact Prof. Bernstein for a permission number. In your email, confirm that you are a member of the Honors Program, provide your PeopleSoft number, and very briefly explain your interest in taking the course.

Switch to the text editor and wrap the paragraph in the following tags:

<p class="no-orientation"><span class="label label-info">Note</span>&nbsp; ... </p>
 Orientation instructions

The registration notes are not shown on Orientation pages. Any messages for Orientation registration should be enclosed in the following tags:

<p class="alert alert-info orientation-only" role="alert">...</p>
 Variable or Special Topics?

Add the section number to the title and permalink.

Step 4: Update Honors Core Courses Page

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