Creating a uconn-kfs workspace


You will need the following items to complete these instructions:

Each of the following should be installed on your local system prior to installation of Eclipse.

You will need to request gateway / tunnel authorization from the server support group (Mark Wiggins)

1. Download KFS from the GIT repository

 Click here to expand...

Build GIT repository location

 Clone GIT Repositories

Create directory in your $$Home directory (like Git_Repo)

Navigate to the directory, using your terminal window.

cd (name of newly created directory, like Git_Repo above)

Execute Git clone command.

git clone

If you are using KFS with Maven, then you will want to clone the appropriate Kuali KFS repository.

  1. Clone the repository
    git clone 
  2. Change to the directory with your financials repository.
  3. Switch to the 2019-08-15
    git checkout tags/2019-08-15
  4. Your kfs financials repository should now be pointing to the appropriate code-base used with uconn kfs.

Import your projects

 Import Maven Projects

Use File-> Import and select Existing Maven Projects.

Navigate to the root directory for your repositories. In this example, it will be c:\projects\gitrepos

Import in this order:

  1. /uconn-kfs/pom.xml

    Once the project imports and compiles, disable the maven workspace resolution. This will force the project to use maven artifacts rather than those within the workspace. This will come into play once we import the Kuali Financials projects.
    Right-click on kfs-war -> Maven -> Disable Workspace Resolution

  2. financials/pom.xml and all sub poms - this is the source code from Kuali Kfs.

After everything has been imported, this is what your Package Explorer would look like in Eclipse:

kfs-war is the uconn kfs code.

 Import Ant Projects

In Eclipse, click on Window+Perspective+open Perspective+Other


Choose Git

click OK

Choose the create new local Git icon

Click Browse, to search for your Git directory

Choose your directory and click OK

Click Finish

You will see your project in the Git Repositories Tab.

Highlight your project

Right click on the project and select import projects. 

 click Finish

Click the Java button to switch to the Java perspective.

You will see the project in the Project Explorer window of the Java perspective.

2. Configure your KFS project

 Property Files

Copy from :

To :

Edit the " Environment specific changes" section of the


pscp C:\srv\uconn_configs\kfs-config\security\
pscp C:\srv\uconn_configs\kfs-config\security\rice.keystore

Edit the datasource.url and change the host and port to match your PuTTY settings

3. Add Tomcat 8.5.59 Server

 Click here to expand...

Open the Server view by clicking on Window->Show View->Other then select Server from the Show View dialog and click OK.

The Servers tab will appear in the bottom window of Eclipse. Right-click and select New->Server.

In the New Server dialog, select Tomcat 8.5 and click Next.

Browse to the location where you have installed your Tomcat 8.5 server and then click Finish.

In the Servers tab, double click the Tomcat v8.5 server to open the Server information screen.

Make the following changes to the Server properties:

 Tomcat 8

Right-click on the new server and select Properties.

We can use the defaults for most of the general configuration except the Timeouts. Sometimes the server can take longer to start so we will enter a large # of seconds:

Set Server location to use Tomcat location:

Open the launch configuration so we can adjust the JVM arguments:

Click on the Arguments tab and add the following arguments to the end of the VM arguments field:

 -Dtarget.environment="dev" -Dorg.apache.el.parser.SKIP_IDENTIFIER_CHECK=true -Dadditional.kfs.config.locations="/srv/uconn_configs/"

The will be explained in the "Configure your KFS Project " section.

Click Apply and then OK.

Save and close the Tomcat window.

Change your context root

Right-click on your kfs-war project and select Properties. Change the context root to kfs-dev

4. Deploy Code to Server

 Click here to expand...
 Maven Workspace

Right-Click on Server and Pick "Add and Remove"

You should see your kfs-war project listed. Click Add to move it to the Configured Column. Click Finish.

Now, the server will need publishing, Right-click the server and pick Publish. Since it's the first publish, it may take a while.

Once published, make sure that the context root for the kfs project is set as kfs-dev. Open the server properties again and click the Modules tab at the bottom. Click the 'edit' button for our kfs-war project and set the path to /kfs-dev.

Click OK and then save the configuration. At this time you will also want to re-publish the server but it should be a lot quicker.

5. Start the Server

 Click here to expand...

The KFS application should now be built and deployed to the Tomcat server. 

Before starting the KFS application, you will need to have a tunnel created to the database server.

Refer to this link for instructions on setting up a tunnel to the database:

Database Tunneling

In the Servers tab, highlight the Tomcat 7 server, and click the Run button (the triangle with a green circle around it). The Console will display messages written during startup of the application. 

Now, open your browser and go to the URL http://localhost:8080/kfs-dev.