Developer Software and Setup
Below you’ll find a selection of software we use along with some notes where applicable.
You’ll want to make sure that you can create a directory off the C:\ called srv (C:\srv). This directory will contain all our property files and data directories used when running applications on our local machines. It’s best to get this from an existing developer.
Some of the items on this page will have web urls, others can be found at
Some of the items are on the Microsoft Store which can be launched on your task bar,
My personal preference for locations to install software, place repos etc is to create a directory off the C:\ with my name, so (C:\paul) Any software I install will be under C:\paul\software. This is my own personal preference and you can install software in whatever default location comes with the individual installers.
An alternate browser (Firefox developer edition or Chrome)
Zip Utility
7-zip, Download - Get a windows 64-bit version
nanazip, NanaZip - Free download and install on Windows | Microsoft Store - Nanazip is a fork of 7-zip
Cisco VPN,
notepad++, - This is a great editor that supports plugins/macros etc.
Microsoft Teams - Go to the Microsoft store to download.
Putty, - Solar Putty is a great version that supports tabs.
Spring STS, - Our main development platform. You want Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse
Turn off these settings in Preferences
Spring Tool Suite 4: How do I turn off Spring Boot Language Server output to the console window?
uncheck start language server at startup
Boot 2.x best practices
Change Invalid Domain id type to a Warning.
turn off hyperlinking
General-editors-text editors-hyperlinking (this was slowing down ctrl c/v)
Java 11, Java Archive Downloads - Java SE 11 - Get the
Atlassian Sourcetree, Sourcetree | Free Git GUI for Mac and Windows - Sourcetree is our main application used to access our GIT repositories.
You will need to connect to our UConn Bitbucket site,
In your settings, Personal Bitbucket Settings, you’ll need to take note of your username.
Under Access Management, App Passwords, You’ll need to create an app password (check all boxes) that will be used by Sourcetree to connect to Bitbucket.
Maven, Installing Apache Maven – Maven
Make sure your java 11 is in path.
Unzip maven to a location, then add the bin directory to your path (ie. C:\paul\software\apache-maven-3.9.7\bin)
Mysql Workbench, MySQL :: Download MySQL Installer - The Kuali Financial System uses Mysql databases which we will need to connect to and view.
During install, pick the client version.
Click the first item, then execute to download the c++ items required for the installation.
Ask another developer for credentials to connect to databases.
Sql Developer, SQL Developer - Our on site applications use Oracle Databases and Sql Devloper is the preferred app for connecting to them.
Our databases require a keystore to access.
Get the attached exadata.keystore file. I personally store this in C:\srv\exadata.keystore
You’ll need to modify the sqldeveloper.conf files in C:\{install location}\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper.conf
Apache Directory Studio, Welcome to Apache Directory Studio — Apache Directory - This is used for connecting to our UConn Ldap servers. Handy when looking up users.
Get the M16 version @ - M17 has issues connecting to TLS 1.3 ldap’s
Need to install java 11 and also set the java path in the ini file.
Get credentials from another developer.
S3 Browser, S3 Browser - Amazon S3 Client for Windows. User Interface for Amazon S3. S3 Bucket Explorer. - The Kuali Financial System use Amazon s3 buckets for file drops. We will periodically drop files for testing.
Postman, Download Postman | Get Started for Free - Postman is a great tool for saving and executing REST service calls for testing.
Soapui, = Soapui is a nice tool when connecting to SOAP services. It can also execute REST services as well.
Control-M client, - Control-M is our batch scheduling software. While its possible to use the web version, , the client version has more power
Winscp, - There are many different apps for SFTP, but winscp is a favorite.
Vscode, - Nice lightweight coding environment that supports plugins etc.
kleopatra, Kleopatra - Kleopatra is a nice windows app when adding/updating gpg encryption keys.
download gpg: GnuPG - Download
Installed gpg4win-4.0.0.exe
python - This is available on the Windows Marketplace.
Create an account with ChatGPT. ChatGPT - this is a free account for the AI chatbot. This can be very beneficial to software development as it can provide coding examples faster than using google.