Bypassing LDAP
The current (rSmart hosted) disaster recovery cloud environment does not have an LDAP implementation and imports certain personal information from a UConn provided LDAP extraction. It is necessary for Rice/KFS to be environmentally aware enough to bypass any specific LDAP queries in the disaster recovery cloud.
Not implemented in version 1.19.0 targeted for future build before next DR test (Jira KRICE-174)
The relatively simple solution
- add a parameter to the rice-config.xml and kfs/ file indicating if the application is running in a disaster recovery environment
<!-- Set to true if this is a disaster recovery cloud environment --> <param name="">false</param>
# Set to true if this is a disaster recovery cloud environment
2. Include a check in the edu.uconn.kuali.rice.kns.web.struts.action.UConnKualiPortalAction class
. . . boolean drEnv = KNSServiceLocator.getKualiConfigurationService().getPropertyAsBoolean(UConnRiceConstants.DR_CLOUD_ENV); . . if (!drEnv) { if (this.isAuthroized(netId)) { if ((env != null) && (prd != null) && ((appCode != null))) { if (!env.equalsIgnoreCase(prd)) { backdoorRestriction = isBackdoorRestricted(userId, principalId, appCode); } } } else { forward = "notAuthorized"; } }
If the parameter is not included in the configuration files the KNSServiceLocator.getKualiConfigurationService().getPropertyAsBoolean returns false so it is necessary to include the correctly valued parameter in the files we send to the disaster recovery provider.