Comparing File Storage at UConn

Individual Storage

When students graduate or when faculty/staff separate from the organization, they will lose access to their OneDrive / SharePoint files.

Students should be sure to download any data they wish to keep before leaving UConn.

Individual storage solutions, such as OneDrive, allow users to store their documents in an accessible location. Users may choose to share files and folders in OneDrive with others. OneDrive files are deleted 90 days after the owner’s account closes.





Access Limitations

Any computer, tablet, or smartphone with an internet connection.

How to Access

Through file explorer on your computer or on the Office 365 website.


Data is encrypted while stored and during transit to your computer. - Is My Data Safe section

Version History

Automatically creates versions while editing. Can recover the last 500 versions.

Collaboration and Co-Authoring

Real-time collaboration and co-authoring with team members. - Advantages of OneDrive section, second paragraph

Storage Location

Microsoft’s cloud servers

Storage Limit

5 TB (5,000 GB)

Individual File Size Limit

250 GB


Self-recoverable through the OneDrive recycle bin.

Shared Storage

Shared storage solutions such as SharePoint allow any user within the SharePoint site to access stored documents by default. Shared storage is preferred for collaborating with team members.



Enterprise File Service (Q: Drive, R: Drive)



Enterprise File Service (Q: Drive, R: Drive)

Access Limitations

Any computer, tablet, or smartphone with an internet connection.

Any computer on a UConn campus.

Any computer connected through Direct Access or UConn’s VPN.

How to Access

Through file explorer on your computer or on the Office 365 website.

The Q: or R: drive mapped to your computer’s file explorer.


Data is encrypted while stored and during transit to your computer.
- Is My Data Safe section

Q drive: not encrypted.

R drive: encrypted while stored.

Version History

Automatically creates versions while editing. Can recover the last 500 versions.

Creates version daily and are retained for 30 days.

Collaboration and Co-Authoring

Real-time collaboration and co-authoring with team members.
- Advantages of SharePoint section, second paragraph

No co-authoring. Single user edit lock.

Storage Location

Microsoft’s cloud servers

Storage servers on Storrs Campus

Storage Limit

25 TB (25,000GB)

64 TB

Individual File Size Limit

250 GB



Self-recoverable through the SharePoint site recycle bin.

Self-recoverable through Windows Previous Versions


Create through Office 365.

Creation request through ITS.

Google Drive does not meet UConn’s data storage policies for all types of information. Work related and sensitive documents should not be stored on Google Drive.

More Information about SharePoint