Adding or Updating Phone Numbers

Administrators can manage student phone numbers in the Student Administration System. 

  1. Log in to the Student Administration System. 

  2. Click the NavBar icon in the upper right-hand corner.  

  3. Click the Navigator icon. 

  4. Click the Campus Community tab. 

  5. Click the Personal Information (Student) tab.

  6. Click the Biographical (Student) tab. 

  7. Click the Addresses/Phones tab. 

  8. Click the Phones tab. 

    phones tab
  9. On the Find an Existing Value page, enter criteria to search for the student.

    find an existing value page
  10. Click Search.

  11. To select a student from the list of search results, click any information within the appropriate row. 

  12. If there are multiple phone numbers listed, locate the student record line by phone type, and then update respective information, as appropriate.  

  13. Update the phone information.  

  14. Once updates are complete, click Save

For direct access to modifying a student's biographical details, see Managing Your Favorites.

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