Delegation FAQs

Q: I will be out of the office on vacation, and I am the fiscal officer on many accounts. Can I set up someone else to approve eDocs while I am out?

A: Yes, you can use the delegation functionality in KFS. By making someone a delegate, you authorize them to approve eDocs on your behalf. You can limit it to certain eDocs and/or accounts, and even put a limit on the dollar amounts that they are allowed to approve. As fiscal officer, you are still ultimately responsible for the account’s activity. If a delegate approves an eDoc, the route log will display both the delegate’s name as the Approver, and the fiscal officer’s name as the Delegator.

Q. For what roles can delegations be set up?

A. Delegations can be set up for the Fiscal Officer role. The fiscal officer delegation can be set up or approved by the fiscal officer.

Q. Which eDoc should I use to set up a delegation?

A. If you need to set up a simple delegation on only one or a few accounts, you can use the Account Delegate eDoc. If you need to set up a delegation that involves many accounts, and/or more than one eDoc type, then you should use the Account Delegate Global eDoc.

Q. If I want to set up a delegation for all KFS eDocs, what do I enter in the Document Type Name field?

A. You would enter “KFS” in this field.

Q. I see a start dates on the delegations, but do not see an end-date.  How do I remove a delegation?

A. To remove a delegation, you would need to search for the delegation using Account Delegate link and edit it to make it inactive. You can also create a new delegation that will overwrite any previous delegations.

Q. I am a secondary delegate on an account.  If I submit an eDoc, will it still route to the fiscal officer?

A. No, by initiating an eDoc as a fiscal officer delegate, you are essentially acting as the fiscal officer. If it needs to route to the fiscal officer, you may want to use ad-hoc routing, or re-consider the delegation structure.

Q. How many delegates can an account have?

A. An account can only have one primary delegation for each type of eDoc, but can have several secondary delegations.

Q. If I get an eDoc ad hoc routed to me, will that go to my delegate?

A. No, when something is ad-hoc routed directly to a person, it will only go to that person. You cannot delegate an ad hoc routing request.

Q. What is the difference between a secondary delegation and a primary delegation?

A. By making someone a primary delegate, the delegate will receive eDocs in their main action list view. The fiscal officer will be still able to access and approve these eDocs by using the drop-down menu in their action list and choosing the name of the primary delegate.

By making someone a secondary delegate, the fiscal officer will continue to get eDocs in their main action list view. The secondary delegate can access delegated eDocs by using the drop-down list menu in their action list and choosing the name of the fiscal officer.

Q. I am a secondary delegate.  Yesterday I saw a drop-down menu on my action list, and now it has disappeared.  What happened?

A. The drop-down menu will only be visible if there are items for you to take action on.

Q. Should I have a delegate only when I plan on being out of the office?

A. It is recommended that you have a secondary delegate at all times in case of an emergency. It is also recommended that you delegate “up.” This would mean making your supervisor a secondary delegate so that they can approve eDocs on your behalf in case you are unable to.

Q. What is an Account Delegate Model?

A. An Account Delegate Model allows you to define a common delegation structure for your organization (department). Once the model is created, you can easily apply this model to accounts by using the Create New Global from Model menu option. This is helpful if you have different delegates based on eDoc type, and can be used when you create new accounts that will need delegations.

Q. I submitted an eDoc that needs to be approved today, but the fiscal officer is out for the next week, and he did not set up a delegation.  What do I do?

A. In emergency situations, the Enterprise Financials can do a Super-User Approval, or can re-route an eDoc to another individual. Please open a help request with the UITS Help Center by using the online web tool at or by calling 860-486-4357 (HELP) and they will send the request to Enterprise Financials . These requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Q. I work in a very high-volume area, and I am the fiscal officer on over 100 accounts.  Can delegations help our area divide up work?

A. Yes, some departments use delegations to distribute workload by eDoc. For example, one person may be made a primary delegate on all accounts for General Ledger Transfers, and a different person for Budget Adjustments. In this example, all other eDoc types would still route directly to the fiscal officer.

Q. My delegate approved something that I would not have approved, and now the transaction is being questioned.  Who is responsible?

A. The Fiscal Officer is ultimately responsible for activity in the account, including transactions approved by a delegate. Be sure that your delegate is knowledgeable and is someone you trust to make decisions in your absence. You may want to consider adding a maximum transaction threshold on the delegation. Whenever possible, delegate “Up” to a supervisor.

Q. How can I inactivate delegations?

A. There are 3 different ways to inactivate a delegation:

  1. To inactivate a delegation on a single account, search for the delegation at Chart of Accounts ~ Activities ~ Account Delegate. Then click edit to edit the delegation, and uncheck the “Account Delegate Active” box.

  2. Initiating a new Account Delegate Global eDoc will overwrite all existing delegations with the new delegates.

  3. Initiate an Account Delegate Inactivation Global eDoc to inactivate multiple delegations.

Q. I still have questions about delegations; who can I contact?

A. Please contact the Accounting Office at


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