Parallel Grading in Ultra Course View

This article covers how to enable and set up Parallel grading for Assignments or Tests.

In HuskyCT/Blackboard Original Course View (OCV), this function is called Delegated Grading. The function of Parallel Grading is significantly different from Delegated Grading. Also, Parallel Grading cannot be enabled for group work at this time.

Description: When enabled, Parallel grading allows the delegation of grading responsibilities to non-student course members (TAs, Instructors, Graders) in the role of either Grader or Reconciler. Unlike Delegated Grading, Reconcilers cannot grade unless they are overriding a Grader. Parallel Grading is designed to provide two Graders for each student submission. If only one Grader is assigned, the Reconciler will not have the option to choose or average the scores of two Graders.

It is important to note that students only see the final score and feedback provided by the Reconciler, as well as any in-line annotations provided by Graders. Students will not see a Grader’s written feedback and detailed rubric scoring. A Grader’s written feedback can be seen and copied over by a Reconciler, but detailed rubric scoring cannot. Therefore we recommend not using rubrics for assessments that use Parallel Grading.


  1. To enable Parallel grading, navigate to a Test or Assignment’s settings.

  2. Under Evaluation options, check the box next to “2 graders per student”. Then click the “Assign Graders” link that appears.


  3. From the Assign Graders page, there are 2 possible roles for grading: Graders, and Reconcilers. Instructors are listed as Reconcilers by default. Non-instructors are Unassigned until assigned a role. Click the “…” next to a user’s name to assign their role. No user can be a Grader and Reconciler at the same time. The assigned role pertains to this assessment only.

    1. Unassigned users will not have any grading responsibilities.

    2. Graders will evaluate student submissions and provide provisional feedback, annotations, rubric scores and grades but cannot post finalized grades. Graders never see the grades, feedback, annotations or rubric scores given by other Graders. Students will not see feedback or rubric scores provided by Graders, only in-line annotations.

    3. After assessments grades are posted, Graders will only see the final grades and feedback posted by the Reconciler and are not able to access their evaluations to edit them.

    4. Reconcilers review the provisional grades and feedback given by Graders, reconcile (accept or override), and post finalized grades.

      1. Reconcilers are able to view the feedback, annotations, and provisional grade given by Graders.

      2. Reconcilers are not able to alter the feedback, annotations, and provisional grade given by Graders.

      3. Reconcilers are not able to view a Grader’s detailed rubric scoring breakdown, they will only see the overall score. If a Reconciler wants students to see a detailed rubric scoring breakdown they must override a Grader’s feedback, and score the rubric manually themselves.

      4. Reconcilers should provide written feedback for students. Since student’s will only see the feedback provided by a Reconciler, a Reconciler should enter the feedback in their feedback box, or copy and paste the Graders' feedback into the Reconciler's feedback box.

      5. If there are two Graders, Reconcilers will choosing how the final score will be calculated as an average of the two scores, the highest of the two, or the lowest. This determination applies to all student submissions with two Graders.

      6. After the Reconciler posts the final grades, students will be able to view the final score and feedback provided by the Reconciler. Students will only be able to view a Grader’s in-line annotations. No detailed rubric scoring is provided unless via a Reconciler’s override.

  4. When roles have been assigned, click Save.

  5. After students submit their assessments, Graders will score and provide feedback on the attempts. Graders can access student submissions via the Gradebook tab or the Assessment link.

  6. Reconciler(s) can access the assignment submission area via the Gradebook tab or the Assessment link. The assessment page will indicate student submissions. Student submissions will automatically show up for a Reconciler as an “attempt to reconcile,” regardless of if Graders have provided feedback or not.

  7. To see the check the status of attempt grading, Reconcilers should click on attempts.

  8. After clicking on a student attempt, a Reconciler will be able to see the provisional scores and written feedback.


  9. By clicking either of the purple feedback icons (as seen above), the Reconciler can enter the evaluation page and see the written feedback of both Graders, as well as any in-line annotations.

  10. For students to receive any written feedback, the Reconciler needs to:

    1. Enter their own feedback into the “Feedback for student” box.

    2. Copy and paste the feedback from the Graders.

    3. Copy-paste and combine/revise the Graders' feedback.

  11. Once Reconciler feedback has been provided, return to the Assignment page and Reconcile All.

  12. The reconciler will select how the final score will be determined. The selection will apply to all student submissions.

  13. After all the submissions have been reconciled, Reconcilers can post the final post grades and feedback for students to view individually or post all the grades by clicking Post all grades.

  14. Once grades have been posted the Reconciler will see the posted status and number of grades that remain unposted.

For more information or assistance with HuskyCT, please contact the Educational Technology Office at or (860) 486-5052 (M-F 9am-4pm).