Group Assignments in Ultra Course View

This article is for faculty and staff who wish to learn more about Group assignments in HuskyCT Ultra Course View.

For information about Group Assignments in HuskyCT Original Course View, please go to the following link: Creating a Group Assignment - Teaching and Learning - UConn Knowledge Base

The section assumes you have already created groups and enrolled your students in the appropriate group in HuskyCT. For more information on creating groups see, Creating Groups in Ultra - Teaching and Learning - UConn Knowledge Base

Group Assignments Overview

Group Assignments allow students to make one electronic submission via HuskyCT on behalf of the group they are a member of. Once one student has submitted, all of the members of the group will be recorded as having submitted, and they can see the assignment that was submitted for the group. Unless the instructor has allowed multiple attempts, they can’t make an additional submission.

If an instructor has enabled multiple submissions, any member of the group can make the submission. In other words, if there are three students, Student A, Student B and Student C, if Student A made the original submission, that doesn’t prevent Student B from making the second submission.

When assessing grades for group assignments, the grade given to the group automatically populates to all members of the group. However, instructors can change the grades for individual students, and students only see the grade they receive.

Assigning Groups from Assignment Settings

This section assumes you have created an assignment in your course. To create assignments in Ultra: Creating Assignments in Ultra - Teaching and Learning - Confluence (

  1. Navigate to your HuskyCT Course and select the assignment under the Content tab you wish to assign to a group.



  2. Once in the assignment, click the gear icon to access the Assignment Settings panel.



  3. Scroll down to the bottom under the Additional Tools section. Click Assign to groups under the Assigned groups section.


  4. From the dropdown located at the top left, labeled Group Students, you can either choose to create new groups through Custom, Randomly assign, and Self-enrollment or select a group that was previously created (shown under Reuse groups).


Grading Group Assignments

  1. Navigate to your HuskyCT Course and select the assignment under the Content tab you wish to grade. You can also click on the assignment from the Gradebook tab.


  2. You will see all group submissions listed under the Submissions tab of the assignment. Click on each group to view and grade the submission.


  3. Once you click the group, you can see the submission under Submission Content and enter a group grade at the top.


  4. On the same page, you can also provide feedback to the group, or each individual in the group under the Individual tab. To cycle through groups and individual members within each group, use the right and left arrows. Make sure to click Save after inputting feedback in the textbox.