Course Analytics in Ultra Course View

This article is intended for instructors looking to learn about and use Course Analytics in Ultra Course View.

About Course Analytics

Course Analytics allows instructors to run reports that pulls data from HuskyCT and presents different reports to gauge overall student performance and top-line figures about a course and the assessments within it.

There are 3 main types of Analytics available in Ultra. Question Analysis reports data on overall student performance on assessments with questions, as well as statistics on individual questions. Course Reports reports data on overall student performance, interaction and engagement with the course. SCORM Reports generate data for specific SCORM Packages in the course.

Accessing Course Analytics

  1. Navigate to your course in HuskyCT.

  2. On the top navigation menu, click Analytics.

  3. You will land on the Reports page, you can click any of the three tabs, Question Analysis, Reports, or SCORM Reports to view and run different reports for the course.


Course Activity

Course Activity reports data on the overall grade in comparison to the hours a student has spent in the course. Other information such as last access date, total time spent, or missed due dates is also reported.

Accessing Course Activity

  1. Access Course Analytics page.

  2. Click the Course Activity tab.

  3. A chart now appears with data with overall grade versus hours spent in the course for student performance.

  1. Clicking on one of the dots allows you to access a specific student’s information.

    1. Clicking View Details allows you to see the amount of time hours a student has spent over a period of days.

  2. Clicking on the three-dashes icon allows you to view the data set through a table.

  1. Additionally, instructors can send alerts to students if they meet a condition such as missed due dates, low overall grade, or if the course has not been accessed in a number of days. To do so click on Alert Settings under Course Activity.

  2. Instructors can set the parameters for if and when alerts send to students regarding performance, days of access, or missed due dates.


Question Analysis

Question Analysis reports data on overall performance and statistics on individual questions. There is one report for each Assessment with questions in this category.

Accessing Question Analysis

  1. Access the Course Analytics page.

  2. Click the Question Analysis tab.

  3. Find the assessment you want to run the Question Analysis for, and click Run Report.

  4. You will receive an email when the report is complete, and you can click on the name of the assessment to view the report.

Course Premium Reports

Course Reports provide data on overall student performance, and engagement with the course. There are four reports within this category.

Course at-a-Glance provides overall data about the course, and compares the course to others within the same department.

Activity and Grade Scatter Plot shows the distribution of student activity in the course against their grade.

Activity Matrix compares the number of student submission to the average number of student submissions in the course, and includes graphs showing submission trends over the term, the number of submissions, and days since the student’s last submission, and the last submission type.

Course Submission Summary shows the submission information for each student.

Accessing Course Reports

  1. Access the Course Analytics page.

  2. Click the Premium Reports tab.

  3. Find the report you want to run, and click Run Report

  4. A new tab will open where you can view the report.

SCORM Reports

SCORM Reports are reports that generate data for specific SCORM Packages in the course.

Accessing SCORM Reports

  1. Access the Course Analytics page.

  2. Click the SCORM Reports tab.

  3. Find the report you want to run, and click Run Report.


For more information or assistance with HuskyCT, please contact the Educational Technology Office at or (860) 486-5052 (M-F 9am-4pm).