Grading and Feedback in Ultra Course View

This article explains how instructors can grade and provide feedback to student assessments in the Ultra Course view.

For detailed information on how to access student attempts in Ultra Course View, please see:

For Original Course View, refer to:


  • In Ultra, instructors are able to provide feedback on assessments in various modes ranging from comments, in-line grading, to video/audio recordings.

  • Instructors can complement automatic feedback on quizzes, tests, or exams.

  • Instructors can also manually or override grades on assessments.

Assignments must be set to visible, and grades need to be posted for students to see their grades. This is also reflected in the Overall Grade.

Giving Feedback to Students

Instructors can make comments in the Feedback Box while grading assignments.

  1. Within a student submission, click on the arrow icon or the feedback box.

  2. In the Enter your feedback box, you can provide the overall feedback that students will be able to see once grades are posted.

  3. Within the feedback box you are able to:

    1. Change the style, font, color, and size.

    2. Bold, italicize, underline, strikethrough, subscript, superscript, and create code blocks.

    3. Create tables and lists.

    4. Create URL links image-20241016-172805.png

    5. Attach files, math equations, images or upload items from a Cloud service image-20241016-172914.png

    6. Create Audio/Video feedback image-20241016-172945.png

      1. For more information, see the Giving Audio/Video Feedback dropdown box.

  4. Once you are finished with giving feedback, click Save Changes.

    1. Students will only be able to view feedback once grades are posted.

    2. The assignment/assessment must also be made visible for grades and feedback to be visible.

  1. Editing feedback will update for the student even if grades have been posted. To edit, navigate back to the Overall Feedback menu and click the pencil icon image-20241016-174648.png



Giving Feedback on Exams

  1. Go to the Gradebook.

  2. Find the exam you are grading and click on it.

  3. You should see all of your students' attempts. If you click on a student’s name, you should be able to see their attempt.

  4. On the right side of the page, you will find the Feedback for student option.


  1. Give your feedback and press Save.

Automatic Feedback

Instructors can give automatic feedback for specific answers on exams.

  1. The different types of questions that have the option for automatic feedback.



  1. When using one of these options, the setting for Automatic Feedback will show. You can add feedback for and incorrect answer on any question.

  1. When you are all set with your test edits, hit Save. Students will be able view feedback if grades are posted automatically--otherwise the feedback will remain hidden until grades are posted.

Grading Student Attempts


Student View


Additional Resources