Webex Sharing Methods - Extra Info

Sharing the Whole Screen

If you plan to switch between applications (plan to share multiple windows), sharing Screen1 (or Screen2, Screen3…) is the best choice.

  • Choose Screen, Screen1, or Screen2 to share your whole screen. The screens will be numbered if you have more than one monitor plugged into your computer.

  • Everything on your screen will be visible to the conference, including any notification that pops up on your screen.

  • To ensure a PowerPoint shares correctly, it is recommended that you share your whole screen.

    • Webex sometimes recognizes the PowerPoint editing window and presentation window as separate applications. This may result in the presentation window being greyed as a misplaced privacy cover (see next session).

    • When sharing PowerPoint with a multiple monitor setup, you may have to swap screen designation because sometimes Webex will share your notes instead of your slides. To swap screen designations, simply click this button in the top left corner:

      swap presenter view and slide show

Sharing an Application

You have the option to share only an application rather than the whole screen. 

  • When you choose an application to share, Webex will only broadcast that one application window.

  • The participants will always see your shared application Fullscreen, even if it is not Fullscreen on your screen. If the application is a small window on your screen, it will be stretched to fill the screens of the participants.

  • If a notification pops up in front of the window, they will not see the notification.

  • When the shared application is closed, you will leave sharing mode and return to seeing the other participants.

What the Participants See

  • Participants will only see the shared application. The other applications will be invisible if they are on top of what is being shared. A presenter can view what a participant sees by clicking the drop-down arrow next to what they are sharing in the ribbon.

Sharing a Camera

You may share a second camera to your participants by selecting Camera in the Share menu. This allows you to, for example, share a document camera into the Webex session without losing the video feed from your webcam.


Sharing a Whiteboard

The whiteboard is not included in the recording.

  1. While in the session, click on the … button.

  2. Choose Start a new whiteboard from the toolbar.

  3. Double click on the Whiteboard box.

Saving your Work

You must save your work before you close the Whiteboard if you would like to retain it.

  • Click the download symbol at the bottom of the Whiteboard toolbar to export the Whiteboard as a PDF.

Ending the Whiteboard Share

To stop sharing the Whiteboard, click on the Close for all button.

Sharing a File

Shared files will not be broadcasted to the livestream and will not appear in the recording. Those who use the "join from browser" option will not be able to view videos shared in this manner.

While in Webex, you may also share a file rather than your screen. This has advantages but also disadvantages; it is important that you are aware of both.

The Webex Recorder is a program that runs in tandem with the Meeting. This recorder starts when you begin recording a Meeting or Webinar using one of two profiles. The video-centric profile is used when you are sharing your webcams and microphones, as well as when you are sharing your screen or an application. This profile will create the recording layout that you are familiar with: 

  • The webcams will fill the screen.

  • When you share your screen or application, the content will take precedence.

  • When you stop sharing content, the webcams will return to fill the screen.

However, when you use Share File at any point during your recording, the content-centric recording profile is used. This will change the layout of your entire recording:

  • Only the active speaker will be shown.

  • The active speaker's webcam will appear only in a small window in the top corner. In the resulting Recording, the speaker's webcam window can be expanded, but it will not be in the original resolution; it will be degraded. The speaker's webcam will only be seen while viewing on uconn-cmr.webex.com.

  • If you download the recording, no webcams will be shown in your download, – only the content or the white screen shown below.

  • The content window will always take precedence even if there is no content being shared. 

  • If there is no content being shared, viewers will see a message informing them that there is no content being shared, rather than seeing the webcam fill the screen.

Benefit of Using a Share File

When you are sharing your screen or an application, you are essentially live-streaming to the Webex session. In order to do this, Webex will continually take screenshots of your screen 3 times a second (or 30 times a second for "optimize for motion and video") and transmit them to your audience. In contrast, when you use Share File, Webex will upload the file you are sharing once in its entirety and your audience will download it once. This one-time transmission, rather than streaming for the entire duration of the share, has bandwidth benefits. Users with low-bandwidth conditions working at home are able to view the content in its full resolution with a one-time, automatic download. The shared file is not saved to their computer but rather viewed within their Webex window as if you were sharing your screen or an application. 

However, do not be fearful of regular screen/application sharing. Regular screen-sharing is heavily compressed in order to be serviceable for a wide audience and will work fine for the vast majority of users. To learn more about bandwidth and Webex's requirements, see Webex Bandwidth Requirements.

How to Use Share File

Remember, you will need specific files to share, such as pictures, PDFs, or text documents. Please use the Save As option to save your PowerPoint as a PDF. Video files will need to be standalone, not embedded within a PowerPoint.

  1. In the Desktop App, click Share at the bottom of the window.

  2. Choose File from the top toolbar of the Share window.

  3. Double click on the Share File box.

  4. A File Explorer window will appear. Navigate to the desired file and either double click on the file, or click once to select it and then click Open.

    1. Unlike while sharing your screen or an application, you will still have access to your Meeting window.

  5. To stop sharing your file, or to switch between your shared files, click on the file name at the top of the content window.

    1. Click on the X to stop sharing the file or select another file from the list.

  6. You may draw on and navigate multi-page files by using the controls at the top of the content window.

  7. You may also limit how your Participants may interact with the shared file by altering the Participant privileges. Learn more at Participant Privacy & Privileges in Webex Meetings.

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