Guidelines For Setting Up Digital Signage

This article is for faculty and staff who wish to set up a digital sign.

Focus on Content

"What information do you want to communicate? Who is the target audience?" 

These two fundamental questions should drive every other decision in this guide. For example, if you would like to help visitors find their way around your building, you might think about implementing an interactive directory and building map kiosk located at the primary entrances of the building. If you would like to inform current students about events and organizations, you might use a non-interactive display mounted on the wall in an area that students frequent, such as a lounge or cafe.

The content should attract the attention of the viewer so that the information will be conveyed. Well-polished and dynamic videos and pictures strengthen the communication. Content source is also a crucial consideration. To avoid spending too much time managing different sources of content for different channels (such as web, print, and other publications), try to leverage data feeds as the central source that delivers the same content to multiple outlets. Think about utilizing zones to use all different forms of content divided amongst the signage.

Pick a Location

Once you have determined what to communicate and to whom, you can determine the location best suited to meet those goals. Building maps and directories are best located near building entrances. News and event displays are best located in areas where the audience will spend enough time to see the different flyers and videos rotating through the playlist. Room schedule displays can be placed near the doors of conference rooms or classrooms so that people know when the room is being used. Try to avoid areas like narrow hallways where people pass straight through without stopping to look at bulletin boards or other information on the walls.

One of the most critical considerations is access to infrastructure. The displays need a surface to be mounted on or an enclosure to be installed in. The displays need a power outlet and potentially a network port. The player computer will also need a power outlet and network port. If the location where you are planning to install digital signage does not already have power and network access available, then it is feasible for those infrastructure items to be installed. UConn Facilities can assist you with determining if an area is suited for such needs and provide a quote for the installation cost. Typically, it is best to install power outlets and network ports where they will be hidden or obscured by the display or kiosk itself.

Request a Signage Consultation

ITS Academic IT is happy to assist with selecting the best display and player to support your needs. We can coordinate with an approved AV vendor to provide a complete quote, scope of work, and installation of your new sign. We will then allocate an account on the signage server and provide training on how to create and update sign content. Please complete the Digital Signage Assessment Form to initiate this process.

Choose a Display

UConn currently uses Sharp and NEC large-format displays for all new digital signage implementations. These displays have been tested and approved for use with our player computers.

Choosing the right display size is important. For interactive content, like a building directory and map, the display can be smaller because the user will be standing directly in front of it. Most interactive displays currently on campus are 40 or 46 inches. Larger displays work better for common areas, where people will view the sign from farther away.

For full details on the display, touch overlay models, and price estimates, please see Digital Signage Equipment Standards.

Choose a Player Computer

The type of content you wish to display and the location will determine the type of player that should be used. For content that is mostly text and images, such as a menu board or simple news and events board, the ultra-small-form factor player is a good choice. For richer content, like videos or touch-interactive layouts, an ultra-small, small-, or standard-form-factor player can be used. Where to locate the player in relation to the sign is also a consideration. Free-standing kiosks have room inside for an extra-durable player. Wall-mounted signs may not have room for a player behind the display, and the player may need to be located elsewhere.

For more details on the different types of players and when each type should be used, please see the Signage Players section on the Digital Signage Equipment Standards page.

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