Navigating the Kuali Financials Home Screen

KFS was upgraded in 2020, and the new version is called Kuali Financials. This article provides an overview of the redesigned interface and new features that help you navigate the system. 

Kuali Financials supports the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, and Microsoft Edge. Microsoft IE 11 is not supported.

Video: Overview of New KFS

Home Screen

The information in this section corresponds to the numbers in the image below, which shows the default home screen that you will see after logging into the system.

default home screen

Referencing the image above, you can see the following on the home screen: 

  • [1] is pointing to the Home heading. Again, the home page is the default screen that you will see after logging into the system.

  • [2] is pointing to the Action List and Doc Search links. These work just as they do in the previous version of KFS.

  • [3] is pointing to the Jump to… link. This is a new feature. To use it, 

    1. Click on the Jump to... link to display the "Jump to…" window.

    2. Start typing what you are looking for, and a list of menu options will appear for you to choose from. For example, the image below shows the results of entering "glt."

      Note: The GLT (General Ledger Transfer) function replaces the General Error Correction and the Intra-Account Adjustment features from previous versions of KFS. Watch the General Ledger Transfer Demonstration video for more information.

  • [4] is pointing to the My Favorites section. If you have a few menu choices that you use often, you can easily add them to your Favorites list. To do so,

    • Hover your mouse over a menu selection. A white heart icon will display.

    • Click the heart to automatically add the menu item to your favorites.

    • For more information, see [5] below.

  • [5] is pointing to the menu item categories. Click on any category to display menu choices for that category. The Accounting menu is displayed in the image for [6] below.

  • [6] is pointing to the Configure Favorites button. This button opens up a window with all the categories and allows you to select or deselect any menu item on the Favorites list.

    accounting menu
  • [7] is pointing to the bottom section of the Navigation Bar, which enables you to sign out and access the Help section. This section of the Navigation Bar also shows the KFS versions and enables you to collapse or expand the Navigation Bar as needed.

The Navigation Bar will automatically collapse after selecting a menu item ot provide more real estate for the menu display.

The Accounting Lines have been rearranged slightly. Everything is still there, but looks a little different. The biggest difference is the ADD button, which as been replaced with a plus sign icon . To add a new account line, click on this icon.

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