Kuali Upgrade KFS 5.3 Sandbox stabilization

Configuration Management:


  • Needs jta-1.1.jar in /usr/share/tomcat6/lib (RHEL delivered 1.0B will not work)
  • Needs connector-api-1.5.jar in /usr/share/tomcat6/lib (not present in RHEL Tomcat package)
  • External runtime configuration for KFS is now housed in /srv/uconn_configs in kfs-external-config.xml (driven by Tomcat startup param "$JAVA_OPTS -Dadditional.kfs.config.locations=/srv/uconn_configs/kfs-external-config.xml")

Jenkins CI:

  • The Jenkins server (deploy.uconn.edu) has its own kfs-build.properties under $CATALINA_HOME containing build properties homogenous to all environments
  • Each environments job runs on ANT (UConn's "Maven wrapper" deprecated)
  • Environment specific values including application.url, rice.url, and kuali_env are now passed as ANT arguments under "Advanced" for each job.

KFS Application:

  • ${kuali_env} is a custom parameter created to specific server environments. It exists in uconn-build.properties and uconn-configuration.properties and sets context.names.app and context.names.rice (OOB config couldn't override these cleanly). The value for this param defaults to "dev" and is set in each Jenkins job as an ANT arg.


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