JIRA Issue Creation
Procedure Description: This Procedure covers the Process for Submitting and Monitoring JIRAs for Issues and Business Process Questions that arise during the Testing Phase of the Kuali Financial System (KFS) Implementation
Before You Begin: Ensure that the Issue or Business Process Question that you encounter is not a user error or that it is not related to planned business process changes. Seek assistance from your assigned Subject Matter Expert (SME) to ensure that a JIRA should be submitted. This Procedure is only to be used for issues and process questions that arise during the formal "End-to-End" testing in the KFS-Test environment
- The recording and tracking of issues for the KFS Test Phase will occur in the existing JIRA Issue Management System currently used by UConn.
- Only SMEs will have permissions to create 'KFS-Test' JIRA records.
- Only the Originator/Submitter of the Issue will have the authority to close the issue.
- Before closing, include sufficient documentation of the solution.
Procedure Summary:
The following is an overview of the primary steps when reporting an issue in JIRA. Details are listed in the "Procedure Steps" section.
- The JIRA Issue Reporting & Tracking System will be used.
- Tester Reports an Issue (w/ Supporting Details) to SME
- SME Enters the Issue into JIRA
- The Issue is Auto-Assigned for Triage
- System Notifies SME and Tester of JIRA #
- Issue is Routed for Correction
- Progress is Logged in JIRA
- Corrected Issue is Returned to SME & Tester for Retesting
- Issue is Closed in JIRA or Re-Routed for Additional Correction
- Issues are Summarized and Reported to Project Team and Management
Procedure Steps:
- Step 1 – Once an issue or process question has been identified during testing, consult with your assigned SME to ascertain that a JIRA should be submitted.
- Step 2 – If a JIRA should be submitted, take a screen snapshot of the screen which documents the error or process question. Your SME can walk you through the steps for capturing a screen snapshot. If you are unable to get a screen snapshot, carefully document the Error Message, Data Error, Etc. received and indicate the KFS screen on which it occurred.
- Step 3 – Login to JIRA and click on the Create link in the top navigation.( or go directly to http://web2.uconn.edu/kualibugs/bug.php )
- Step 4 -- On the displayed screen, select the appropriate:
- Issue Type - under the Issue Type dropdown. The available Issue Types are:
- Bug – a defect in the functionality of the software
- Data – an error in the configuration and setup data, i.e. incomplete information in the dropdowns, missing addresses, etc.
- Process – a question or issue concerning how to complete a UConn business process within the functionality of KFS
- Other – any item or issue that does not fit into within the defined types. Include access or security issues here. Note: Be very specific in the Summary and Description fields about the nature of the issue when defining or describing what the issue is.
- Tracking Number -- Enter the Tester Name, KFS Test Script Number and the Date the Issue was discovered.
- Summary -- Enter a brief summary description of the error/issue
- Priority (required) – Select the appropriate Priority Level per the below criteria:
- Blocker -- Blocks development and/or testing work; production could not run
- Critical -- System crashes, loss of data, severe memory leak
- Major -- Major loss of function where a workaround is not present or would be difficult
- Minor -- Minor loss of function or other problem where an easy workaround exists
- Trivial -- Cosmetic problem like misspelled words or misaligned text.
- Component -- Select the appropriate software module/component in which the error or question occurred – PURAP, Accounts Payable, Etc.
- Description -- Enter a detailed description of the issue encountered including listing the steps needed to re-create the issue.**
- Issue Type - under the Issue Type dropdown. The available Issue Types are:
- Step 6 - By clicking the 'submit' button (red circle in the above image), you will be taken to the UConn JIRA create issue page, here every value that you typed into the previous screen should be set appropriately, in addition to some other fields that where set automatically. Here will be able to upload the screenshot of the issue by clicking on Choose files next to attachment (red arrow in image below)
- Finally click the 'Create' button at the bottom of the screen