Database Configuration
This page houses Oracle configuration and notes pertaining to CM-related areas
SQLplus Configuration
Configuration without TNS names.
- 'tnsnames.ora' file created in tomcat's home dir (where Tomcat has write permissions)
- Added these lines to .bashrc
export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracleClient/product/11.2.0/client export TNS_ADMIN=~ export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
TNS_ADMIN points to the location of tnsnames.ora, and ORACLE_HOME tells Oracle clients where the Oracle files are.
Using this configuration, sqlplus and loadjava can be run by Tomcat from anywhere on the instance.
Clearing the RICE Service Bus in Oracle schemas
Connect to the KR_<ENV> schema for that environment, shut down all application servers that connect to that database (KFS, KR, KRAPPS)
delete from krsb_svc_def_t;
Commit your delete in the schema, then startup the application servers (in the order of KR, KRAPPS + KFS)
Troubleshooting Database Connectivity
Checking for open connections to the database, while the application server is on:
netstat -te | grep dbserver02 | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l
lsof -p 20124 | grep dbserver02 | wc -l
, multiple selections available,