Upgrade KFS 5.2.x/ Rice 2.x Test Coverage

Test Coverage helps the project/release to identify the requirement executed along with their status for different run cycle identified, added sample Requirement doc/Test case doc and added sample status as Pass/Fail/NA and sample associated JIRA(on clicking the JIRA ,the defect information is seen in the JIRA tool page)

Sl No.Requirement ID/NameTest Case IDTest Case NameTC1TC2TC3
1<Requirement ID/Name><Test Case ID>



<Test Case Name>FAIL KFS-1740 - Getting issue details... STATUS   

<Requirement ID/Name>

General Ledger Functional Specification-v1.1-FINAL.doc

<Test Case ID><Test Case Name> CAM_Retire_Asset PASS 
3<Requirement ID/Name><Test Case ID>

<Test Case Name>



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