The “About This Mac” feature helps you determine important information about your Mac.
1. Click the Apple logo in the upper left hand corner of your desktop.
2. In the drop-down menu, click About This Mac
3. Here, you can access the following information
- version number and name of OSX installed on your computer
- model of your computer
- general date of when the model was released
- the processor
- how much memory your computer has
- the graphics card/chip
- serial number.
4. On the “Display” tab you can access the basic information regarding your display. These include screen size, resolution or graphics card/chip. You can also select Display Preferences to change basic settings on your display
5. On the “Storage” tab you can access basic information regarding your hard drive and any external media connected to your computer, like capacity, partitions and amount of free space.
6. On the “Memory” tab you can access basic information about your memory like size, number of RAM sticks and speed.
7. On the “Support” tab you can access links to various support pages offered by Apple.
8. On the “Service” tab you can access information about your warranty.
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