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When you leave UConn, your access to key student systems will change. These systems include your university email and services that use your NetID for access. This article provides an outline of what you should expect and what steps you may consider taking to preserve data.

Table of Contents



What will change?

Your NetID will be deactivated. This means you will lose access to most university-provided software that was accessed, licensed, or activated with your NetID.

When will this happen?

This change does not go into effect immediately. Information Technology Services (ITS) will send a message to your UConn email after you graduate. When you receive this message, you will have approximately 60 days before your account is deactivated and your UConn email and drive data are deleted.



What will change?

You will lose access to your university-provided email inbox. Once your account is deactivated, your Your data will be deleted and will not be recoverable. You will not be able to send or receive email from your UConn email inbox.

When will this happen?

You will lose access when your NetID is deactivated. See above for the timeline.

How can I preserve data?

You should move any data stored on your Outlook account to personal storage. You can export your mailbox to an Outlook Data File (.pst). For instructions, see this article: Exporting email from Outlook (classic)


UConn graduates will have the opportunity to opt into a forwarding service where any email sent to their UConn email address is automatically forwarded to a personal mailbox of their choice. Information about the forwarding service is available here: Alumni Forwarding Service

Students who were employees

If you were ever employed by UConn (not including student employment), you will not be eligible for the Alumni Forwarding Service. If you become employed by UConn in the future, you will lose access to the Alumni Forwarding Service, but you will regain access to a UConn mailbox.

titleClick to expand explanation

Employees that are also alumni, including faculty, are ineligible for continued email service.

As an employee, you exchange institutional information and data via email. When an employee leaves the University, they cannot retain their email address and service as a security precaution. The forwarding service lets you continue to receive messages sent to your address, even if you are no longer at UConn. This means you could potentially receive sensitive or confidential institutional data, and it would be on a system that does not meet the University’s IT security requirements. This situation puts the University, the sender, and you at risk.

To learn more, visit: Alumni Forwarding Service


What about Google?

If you graduated between 2012 and Spring 2024, your UConn email was in Google Workspace. In Summer 2024, UConn migrated from Google Workspace to Microsoft 365 for all active students and employees.

Previously, alumni retained access to their UConn Google Workspace mailbox and data after they graduated. We could extend this access because Google offered educational institutions free and unlimited storage. This changed in 2022 when Google unilaterally changed their terms and conditions and moved to a fee-based model. This change, in addition to ongoing issues with offering two similar platforms, prompted the University to move Google Workspace services to Microsoft 365.

Any data that was previously stored a Google Workspace account is no longer accessible and unrecoverable.

Microsoft 365

This service is intended to assist you in transferring external accounts (ex. LinkedIn, Spotify) from your UConn email address to a personal account. You should not rely on it to indefinitely forward email. Information about the forwarding service is available here: Alumni Forwarding Service


Microsoft 365

What will change?

You will lose access to all 365 apps (Word, Excel, OneDrive, etc.) when you graduate. After graduating, you will receive an email with a timeline of how long you have access to your OneDrive in order to download files you wish to keep. This includes access to the apps, as well as any data stored in your OneDrive. This data will be unrecoverable after deletion.

When will this happen?

You will lose access when your NetID is deactivated. See above for the timeline.

How can I preserve data?

ITS recommends you browse your files and download files/take note of files you wish to keep before your graduation. Learn more with our You can learn how to export your OneDrive data using this guide: Export Data out of OneDrive guide.




What will change?

You will continue to have access to HuskyCT, but you may lose access to the course content hosted on it. Access to old courses is dependent on the instructor. If they have left the course available to you or open it, you will be able to access it. You can access resources on the Institution page.

When will this happen?

Courses are typically made unavailable about 4 weeks after the semester ends.


Student Administration System

What will change?

Your access to certain systems will change according to your status. Since you aren’t active for a current or upcoming semester, you will lose the ability to register for classes and other similar functions.

Most undergraduate and graduate students can access their records (e.g., transcripts, tax information) as alumni by logging into Student Admin. Even when you are no longer an active student and you cannot log in to other systems, you can still use your NetID credentials to sign in to Student Admin.


Your data stored in Student Admin remains there indefinitely.

When will this happen?

You will lose access when your NetID is deactivated. See above for the timeline.


Other services

School or department-specific services and software

Most services become inaccessible after graduation. Some schools and programs such as the School of Business and College of Engineering provide access to various services and software for students enrolled in their classes. If you need to inquire about a service not listed here, you should reach out to the IT contact for the school, program, or department that granted you the access.


You will lose access to LastPass. Active students have access to a LastPass business account that is similar to the consumer account tier “Families”“Families,which allows them to share their account with 5 other who will also have premium features (Families users cannot see others' passwords unless manually shared). If you have activated the optional personal account inside of your UConn business account or have activated any of the family accounts, you will need to decide how you proceed. You can pay to continue using LastPass in the Families capacity after you separate from the university, or you can reduce your service to a free LastPass account (no “family” members). It is against policy to export UConn-associated passwords along with your personal account’s passwords.


If you return to UConn in the future as either a student or employee, you will regain access to relevant systems depending on your affiliation. You will receive the same NetID and email address that you previously had, but the data stored from your time as a student will not be preserved. If you return as an employee, you will lose eligibility for the alumni forwarding service, even if you return as a student later on.

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