The Employee Devices object holds all employee (full time, special payroll, contractor, graduate assistant, student employee) workstations supported by ITS and IT professionals who are agents in the ITS ticketing system (ISD).
The fields are:
Asset Tag: UConn Inventory Tag (required)
Model: Device Model, valued is linked to the PC>Model object (required). If the Model you want to select has “(New Object)” next to it, send the Model information to Will and Yi to add it
User: NetID of a full time or special payroll employee who is either using the device or the supervisor of the contractor or student employee(s) who are using the device, value is linked to the HR>Employee object (required for devices with DEPLOYED status)
Room: The room where the device is in, value is linked to the FAC>Campus>Building>Room object (required for devices with DEPLOYED status). If the Room you want to select isn’t available in the Room objecthas “(New Object)” next to it, send Room information to Will and Yi to add it. Room is in the format of Building Abbreviation and Room Number (e.g. TAB 103).
Full-time Employee or Special Payroll Employee’s device: Employee’s full name (e.g. Yi Zhang. PC-97971)
Full-time Employee working fully remote: Employee’s full name plus “-<state abbreviation>” (e.g. Chris Tarricone-GA. PC-97951)
Contractor: Contractor’s full name plus “-Contractor” (e.g. Steve Kiely-Contractor in Notes and User is set to ler02006. PC-98775 )
Student Employee' dedicated workstation: Student Employee’s full name plus “-Student” (e.g. Christian Bergeron-Student in Notes and User is set to rvm02001. PC-97963)
Student Employees' shared workstation: Supervisor’s full name plus Student (e.g. Brien Woodaman Student. PC-97910) or Team name plus “Student Workstation” (e.g. TSC Student Workstation. PC-100515)PC-114024)
Demo/Free machines from vendors: “Demo/Free Machine” for machines in INVENTORY status (PC-141897). “Demo/Free Machine”-<Employee’s full name> for machines in DEPLOYED status (PC-141900)
Intune Primary User: an optional field automatically set with the value (email format) from the Azure Graph web service call for an Intune/Autopilot machine. “None” value indicates a shared Intune/Autopilot machine.