For example, KFS uses 7-digit account numbers while FRS & GENS used 6-digit numbers. The solution to this problem was to simply add a zero (0) to each FRS account number in KFS. The COA interface back to GENS passes only the first 6 digits of the KFS account number, thereby preserving a direct relationship to the 6 digit account number used in GENS.
File created by GenrateGenesysCOAJobGenrateGenesysCOAFile.
KFS/FRS (format) Encumbrance (ENC) interface:
File created by uconnEncumExtractJob.
Note: When adding a new object code to be passed to Genesys, the object code and its conversion value needs to be added to the Kuali code (edu/uconn/kuali/kfs/module/ld/dataaccess/impl/GenesysEncumInterfaceDaoOjb.java - Collection<LedgerEntry> getCurrentFiscalEncumAccounts method)
KFS (format) Encumbrance Liquidation (ENCLIQ) interface:
File created by uconnFiscalPeriodExtractJob.
Note: FY16 data appeared on the file 5/1/2015.
The server hosts and file locations for the interfaces described above are as follows: