For example, KFS uses 7-digit account numbers while FRS & GENS used 6-digit numbers. The solution to this problem was to simply add a zero (0) to each FRS account number in KFS. The COA interface back to GENS passes only the first 6 digits of the KFS account number, thereby preserving a direct relationship to the 6 digit account number used in GENS.
File created by GenrateGenesysCOAFile.
KFS/FRS (format) Encumbrance (ENC) interface:
This reference to outstanding payroll encumbrances permits existing GENS programs to calculate Encumbrance and Budget changes when an employee's salary changes for any reason.
File created by uconnEncumExtractJob.
Note: When adding a new object code to be passed to Genesys, the object code and its conversion value needs to be added to the Kuali code (edu/uconn/kuali/kfs/module/ld/dataaccess/impl/GenesysEncumInterfaceDaoOjb.java - Collection<LedgerEntry> getCurrentFiscalEncumAccounts method)
KFS (format) Encumbrance Liquidation (ENCLIQ) interface:
Another essential factor is to ensure that encumbrances do not become negative in KFS, since this will artificially increase the account balance. When an employee's salary or fringe encumbrances become zero in KFS for any reason, the GENESYS process will no longer produce ENCLIQ transactions for KFS. The salary and fringe expenses continue to reduce the account balance, but there are no ENCLIQ transactions to improperly increase the account balance.
File created by uconnEncumKFSExtractJob.
KFS Fiscal Period interface:
KFS maintains a reference table which matches a given calendar date to its corresponding FY/FP. This data is passed to GENS daily and is used by GENS processing to assign the appropriate FY/FP values to KFS transactions based on the date they are created and transmitted.
File created by uconnFiscalPeriodExtractJob.
Note: FY16 data appeared on the file 5/1/2015.
The server hosts and file locations for the interfaces described above are as follows: